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The Witcher: Season 3

3x02 Unbound

Great comeback to the season. Ciri's acting also seems to be improved.

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Too much time passed between seasons. Very difficult to remember some of the characters and plot lines.

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The first thing I'm feeling watching this episode is that this is an utterly awful depiction of Emhyr. Don't like it at all. To be fair, there's only been one short scene so far, so it could get better. But so far, his temperament is all wrong. Seems like some generic evil ruler.

Everything about this show just screams "YA" when it should be anything but that. The Witcher is not supposed to be a young adult series.

That Philippa/Dijkstra whipping scene was totally unnecessary.

Would like to see more of Jaskier playing his lute and singing - Joey Batey is rather good. Would just rather it wasn't in front of Radovid and forcing this weird and nonsensical romance subplot.

Seems this episode is back to the season 2 trend of just being mostly fan fiction.

Rience killing Codringher and Fenn was an awful scene. Laughable.

The Tissia x Vilgefortz romance is yet another unnecessary subplot. Though, I do kinda get why they're doing this one. Hopefully, it'll pay off later.

Worse than the first episode, I think.

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More boring yapping. This show is a drag at an hour long.

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I'm convinced that at this stage the creators just randomly open some page from the books, and build a scene based on that. And then another, and another. It doesn't hold together, there is no emotion in it. And most of all, it doesn't have the spirit of one of my beloved novels.

Well, and why is it that this season, every place looks like it was just built out of Legos? Even an inferior pub in some rumpus is clean and fragrant. Everyone has everything at hand, too. All you have to do is get off the road, take a few steps and you're there.

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Such a step backwards compared to the great season opener. The heads and hands battle was pretty good but that’s about it. Oh and why can’t you just throw a dead body through a portal? No magic to hide one either? That seemed dumb. Agree with everything @ragreynolds said.

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WHAAAAAAT is that ending, what a cliffhanger.

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The actor who plays Jaskier carries himself like he's god's greatest gift to humanity and the most handsome man to ever walk the earth. It's so cringey. My man, you are NOT that guy.

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what the... there's another ciri?!!?

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Where did all the great fighting scenes go? And can they please gag and cuff Ciri, because obviously she is doing herself ALL the disservices when she’s allowed to speak and move freely. More Gerald, please - and a LOT less whiny, bratty Ciri, if you don’t mind…!

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Shout by Kelsey

So now there is a multiverse? 2 different Ciri at the same time?

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6.5/10 - I didn't really like this episode that much. I'm struggling again to follow the story and it felt rather "boring" (as I'm not that interested in the politics of this world).

I too minded when Yenn called Ciri "my ugly one".

That "I'm Ciri" at the end was quite scary... :o

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I know that everybody knows what I'm talking about.

Typical Netflix... 2 season teaser and screw it up with gender ideology.

You also see it with other Netflix series like barbarians or the Vikings.

It's sad like that.

I do agree to other reviewers.. you don't see much of Geralt... the takes are short and slow in action.

I think it is good to say goodbye after this season. No reason for me anymore to watch the 4th season. I just can't imagine another actor playing the role als Geralt of Rivia.

Let's hope the 3rd episode is better, but I saw a lower score, so I dont think it will get any better.

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Shout by SerialWatcher05
BlockedParent2023-07-22T09:32:14Z— updated 2023-07-29T11:13:55Z

I made it past the season premiere but I had to give up at the 30min mark. Uneventful, boring, nothing like the past 2 seasons, Cavill looks like he's forcing himself to act.

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I am really struggling with this season. The core cast are still solid (apart from Jaskier strangely who I fear may have let the attention get to his head). But everyone else is decidedly average or disappointing. The intriguing universe of the Witcher here feels disjointed and like a half assed Game of Thrones attempt which does it a massive disservice. Even as a book reader and game player I'm struggling to keep everything in context. How are first time watchers fairing?

Why people keep casting Robbie Amell in things I will never know, his awful Batman/John Reese voice is jarring and highlights his poor acting even moreso. The whole Elf section in episode one was painfully bad.

I'll finish out this season for Henry but it's an ordeal that's for sure!

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Where they get all the short people from.

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