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The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

2x09 743

As weirdly entertaining as the whole Five-vs-Five thing was to watch...

Would it have worked (and been much simpler) to never contact fourteen-days-ago Five but instead to quietly stalk him until he, as he did before, dropped his mission and briefcase to transport himself back to 2019, and then grab the briefcase he left behind? As it turns out, this seems like it'd have cost them the same amount of time and a lot less risk...

Other than that, fun and crazy entertainment as always...

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What the fuck was that with Reginald? Do we also have aliens now?

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I'm guessing when Vanya resuscitated Harlan that spark she gave him was part of her power?

The Ben goodbye scene reminded me of Nell in the Haunting of Hill House :hearts:

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That little detail of five standing on top of the suitcase to peek over the fence... so precious.
Wondering what that connection between Vanya and Harlan really is. Peculiar.

And... oh shit, what a reveal toward the end.

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Regardless of american shows always romanticizing some older presidents like Lincoln and JFK, I truly never got Diego’s obsession with saving Kennedy, especially cause they were trying to fix the timeline and prevent doomsday so in order to do they had to respect the events of the original timeline meaning letting Kennedy die.
Just a little comparison, in Timeless there was this character Rufus, who timetraveled and you could see the conflict of him wanting to intervine to save Lincoln or trying to end racism and hatred by altering certain events and changing the timeline forever, and obviously you understood his reasoning and the morality behind his actions but I just don’t see that with Diego like what was his connection with JFK? Literally none. I mean it’s not that big of a deal but the whole season I’ve been like trying to figure out what is going on there.

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This show just got a whole lot weirder. Would rate higher but those flashing lights in the FBI building were painful and almost impossible to watch.

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No Ben is not dead, please!

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Whole lotta bad acting from mrs baker and her daughter, alien reveal was cool though

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That fight between the two Fives was straight out of Dragon Ball Z, ahah!

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Shout by Jayowski

I was wondering when will the Reginald "Spark Jar Releasing While Nukes Are Flying" Hargreeves scene come around and I was not disappointed (slaughtering the Majestic-12 peeps) :D

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Nice episode, but the way JFK dies on the comic book is much better

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Nobody will ever be able to come close to the levels of iconic that Five is

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what’s the point in the sub plot with Fives and Luther? I honestly don’t understand

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