i would die for number five tbh the kid is a fantastic actor

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Leonard is such a creep. Makes the hair on my neck go up

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Another great episode and fantastic score.

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Y the ratings of this show are so low? This is great!

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We are finally getting somewhere!

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There's a lot of predictability in the writing. Like Vanya so suspisciously normal that we get it shoved down our throat the entire time.
Clearly the medication has something to do with that. The same goes for Leonard.
I've never seen such a creep of a character and yet Allison says he's "perfect".
Sure, suspension of disbelief and all, but damn. That Leonard character is terribly written as it is painfully obvious that there's something up with him and it is so, so, so obvious but the plot must go on. So they make him out to be "perfect". Suspension of disbelief will not carry that one.
Episode 4 is where this show finally picks up but Leonard is a nuisance in this and Vanya is annoying. Too bad she's this mysteriously but obviously important character.

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Hmmm,..., Vanya Le Pew - now with Funk Factor 10? Super Pheromones? Silent but SEXY booty emissions? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Shout by TheNightWolf

I rather enjoyed that episode, and it appears that I was right with Vanya having powers and that they were being held back by whatever pills she had been taking (For what reason, I still don't know). Not only is Leonard creepy but he has Ben's body in his attic? I wonder what Pogo ment at the end.

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One of my favorite 80s songs ("Feels Like Heaven" by Fiction Factory) played in the background in this episode.

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I think Diego might actually be my favourite. Although he can clearly be a little mean and harsh, I also feel like he’s the person who cares the most. The one with the most loyalty and who secretly has the purest heart. I honestly find him oddly endearing, despite the attitude. I kinda feel like he’s just lonely and needs someone to love him

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Shout by vanesa

Best episode so far, very entertaining! Fives continues to be fantastic and the scenes of Hazel and the donut lady were suprisingly wholesome. Klaus really grew on me these last two episodes and I quite love him now. It's weird though how quickly they brushed on him spending almost a whole year in the past and fighting in the war??? I'm sure we will see more of it in the next episodes so not really a complaint but wow I feel bad for him, hasn't that poor man suffered enough already? :(

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Shout by Deleted

This show is so wickedly great. Where can I buy the soundtrack? I love the music.

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episode 5 about number five, neat!

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leonard even his name is creepy. number 5 is amazing tbh!

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This show just went from good to great.

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Kate Walsh tho. What a nice surprise. Always a scene stealer in simply the best way

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The show has finnaly started to move! Really interesting episode.
Curious about Vanya!

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