I’ve only had Johanna Constantine for 40 minutes but if anything happens to her I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself

So nice to have Jenna Coleman back on my screen again. This was my favorite episode so far.

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After a light Episode 2 (could have done without the Cain-Abel-Gargoyle stuff - tbh), Episode 3 was back to what I had enjoyed about Episode 1. Here there are moments that feel as good as the peak of Game of Thrones, and then there's moments that lightly dwindle on CW content. But generally, three episodes in, this show is excellent and I'm craving more.

Jenna Coleman, who gave me real Vanessa Hudgens vibes, was excellent as Johanna Constantine.

Also, the person who comment on the gay characters - gees, there are genuine relationships that are gay in the real world. Move on man.

Lastly - I'm really over Patton Oswalt. Could have welcomed anyone else in the voice role.

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I knew it! Johanna Constantine was wonderful and killed it in this roll! Would definitely watch a solo spin-off with her as the lead! As a loooong time fan of the comics and 3 episodes in...this show is freaking nailing it for me.

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I'll be honest, if I didn't know how beloved the original was, how long it's taken Gaiman to get a screen adaptation, I'd be dropping this show at this point. I'm really not feeling any of this.

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Definitely an improvement on the disappointing episode 2, but still not as good as episode 1. My feelings about this show are still very mixed.

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Very strong episode. Loved a lot about it

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The dialogues between Constantine and Morpheus after they found Rachel half dead felt very rushed. First Morpheus says Rachel can’t be saved anymore, Constantine immediately reacts in a furious way… but in the end she was weirdly fine with the unavoidable loss as Morpheus predicted? Her rage was a little too much and too fast, I believe. Apart from that, amazing episode. I’m intrigued by the whole story!

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Holy fudge, this show is soooo slooooooow! I'm dying of boredom.
Show was a 5/10. This episode got 1 more point for having a cute Constantine

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Since Patton Oswald is Matthew's voice actor we could say in a way that "Matthew's soul" belongs to the guard that fell asleep in Dream presence and let him free?

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Clara? Hell yea don't mind if I do.

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Really enjoyed Jenna Coleman as Constantine. Too bad this episode seemed like the beginning and end of her story, although if he's going to hell in the next episode then maybe she'll be back to fight more demons or something idk.

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This show has been top drawer for me so far - a superb adaptation. JLCs Constantine was absolutely spot on. A Hellblazer spin-off with her would be a superb choice.

Really looking forward to the next one!

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Gotta say, I liked this take on Johanna Constantine. Wouldn't mind seeing more of her contributions.

And Matthew. Keep us going, here, Matthew.

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Shout by noelct

First half is a little overly drawn out, but lovely direction, I enjoy the way they're adding new layers to John Dee and Matthew, and Constantine is very interesting in how Joanna both captures her namesake character while also blending well with classic John Constantine and his destructive relationships. I also dig how perfectly they nail Morpheus' complete inability to blend in with normal people. And excellent sklorp effects on the guards.

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Love it a lot so far!!

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