As great as that first episode was, (I gave it a rare 9), this was a step back. Very slow at the start, but once Morpheus meets the Three-in-One, it really picks up again. Could have done without the Cain-Abel-Gargoyle stuff - not sure if that's important or riveting in the book or not, but felt pretty poor here. The CGI for some of the Gargoyle stuff also wasn't great. This episode needed a bit more to get it to an 8. Almost there though. Series is off to a great start.

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Sure, this episode was a little slower, but we cannot always have a 100 year time jump, can we? The Cain and Abel part was so important in my opinion, because after episode 1, Morpheus doesn’t really have a personality for us viewers. He was just a silent prisoner up til now. Gregory’s story showed us something more than that.

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Great effects, great vibe, great time

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The three stupid questions!!! Cant' he just ask "where can I find my sand/ruby/helm???" he has to ask all the stupid questions first then remember to ask where to find them? :rolling_eyes:

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Very disappointed by this one. The pacing is fine, I tend to prefer slower-moving shows, but I feel that the actual plot is just not all that interesting, and none of the characters are that great either. Corinthian isn't doing anything for me as a villain, and Morpheus/Dream is just kinda... boring. The main thing I've been interested in seeing is inside other people's dreams, but we've had very little of that, and what we've had hasn't been great either. The first episode seemed to have a lot of potential, but this one has let me down. Hoping things get better in the next one.

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So this is like the 2nd episode from the series. 1st Netflix had me on the hook since the 1st trailer in February, then it's like they had problems with the release it's finally here and the 2nd episode brings in Constantine? Really the 1 actor that I couldn't wait for them to kill off in Dr. Who? Clara and now I got to cringe through this series as she plays a female Constantine. What I thought was going to be a solid 9 just dropped to 6 or 7 just the second episode but this character just ruined it for me.

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Kain, Abel.. now a gargoyle named Gregory.. Sorry, this show gets laughable every minute

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I just can't get into this show. It's aesthetically pretty but I find it hard to care about Morpheus, the stakes of the story, or anything else about this story. I'm just going to go read the original graphic novel and maybe then I'll care.

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