I hope Paul dies a slow and agonizing death.

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Someone move this episode to special instead of season 1

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Perfect Bonus Episode , this was a great adaptation of the dream country

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this was so beautiful and so perfect, and the surprise release made it even better for me. i love this series so much.

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I was so annoyed having to waste time on whatever this was just so I get it out of my "up next to watch", but then the last 20 minutes happened. Seeing someone descent into madness is always strangely entertaining.

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This episode, specifically the Calliope story, added the perfect romantic and character depth to Morpheus and is definitely one of my all time favorite moments in dark fantasy watchtime. Loved every second.

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Best episode of all. Don't ignore it because of the start, or the fact that it is a weird extra 11th episode

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The cat portion I could have done without - but the second story, Calliope, was great. More of this please.

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This episode 11 should be listed as special or bonus episode.

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I really wished the cats would dream like this again. What a wonderful world that would be.

Calliope... moved me quite deeply. It was very sweet, and sad. I do like this depiction of Dream, although I think I prefer the original. This one is very... kind, mellowed. It befits the audience of this age though... the depiction of a gentler Dream.

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Loved hearing the voice of Kassandra (from AC Odyssey) again.

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I'd never realised how meta the calliope story was

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It's strange how they portray writing as a simple matter of having ideas when in reality it's the easiest part. Anyone in a creative field has endless amounts of ideas but no time to make them, because the hard part is always the execution and the amount of work one has to put into finishing the project.
It's funny the amount of people I've seen saying (specifically about videogames) ''I have this amazing idea but no skill to make it by myself'' and ask others to work for them and create it as if the sheer genius of their ideas had as much value as the skill and work needed to actually make it happen

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I'm pretty sure that's what my cat dreams about every time she takes a nap...

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Might be the only one but I liked the cat part, I was watching it with my dumpster cats. It's about the power of dreaming.
Anyway, loved this episode. I want more.

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Is it bad that I found this one episode better than the overall season? Because I do.
Not the cat part though... I found that unnecessary and kind of silly but the story of Calliope was good, interesting and the actress portraying her was enchanting.

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how come since they gender/race swapped most of characters from the comics, they didn't do the same with the writers, or Paul, why are they white males and not "people of color"?

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I don't remember watching this episode in the sandman movie

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Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Horrifying.
All of the above plus extremely ironic and also: I am a sucker for the updated Greek myth. Also: I adored the cat part, so much. But I hated Paul SO much…

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"Dream of a Thousand Cats"

Very nicely done. I know there's a big push to adapt everything to live-action, but I'd much rather see more comic adaptations stick with animation, especially with the styles we're now able to explore with the likes of this, What If, Spider-Verse, Arcane, etc.


One of the most unpleasant issues (by design) of the comic, is beautifully adapted, adding much more depth to Calliope as a character, and finding a great balance between being a one-off morality play, and something that speaks deeply to the mythos of Morpheus. I wish more of the season had allowed the stories to embrace these original structures instead of trying to make things feel more serialized.

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5-6 minutes in and im crying big time
A standalone episode basically

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wow, why couldn't do the season more like this Extra episode? it was fantastic!! from the regular season i only liked 2 or 3 episodes. this show has potential, but needs to be better

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Argh that darn human, how dare he!! :crying_cat_face:

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Super bummed there aren't any more episodes to watch. Really enjoyed this show.

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