I wonder if they are going to get all the dead/not dead villains like Carl Weathers and Ming-Na Wen to team up and fight Mando.

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Boring. Maybe Filoni isn't the answer everyone thinks.

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I'm beginning to think the writing team only had three good episodes in them. Getting predictable and drawn out.

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Enjoyable. The space skirmish feels like Star Wars. Then the return to Tatooine and the perfect sets for Mos Eisley. Notice that the droid sensors at the Cantina's door are not present, probably because the new bartenders are droids themselves. Wonderful desert scenes, lots of humor and things here and there to remind you the original trilogy. I like it so far, because this is a laid back episode and Mando made a friend, just as the previous one. I'm sure the last couple of episodes in this season will have a nice pay-off.

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Despite the simple and predictable plot structure for this episode, the approach through a Star Wars context makes it compelling and still visually pleasing. It was great to finally see Ming-Na Wen make her appearance in the show, even if for a short one, because she always plays badass roles. And I'm sure more Baby Yoda memes are still to come.

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quality get worst and worst every episode. looks like that they start a new plot for the episode and finish it in the same 30 min episode. there is no why he is there, why go there, etc. the same clitche story of bad guy trying to kill mandalorian and get killed since episode 1.
no amount of baby yoda help the terrible writing.

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AGENT MELINDA MAY!!! It’s always a pleasure to see Ming-Na!!! But she deserves more episodes tho.

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This episode was much less interesting than the previous one, and there was also less tension and supense as well as fewer scenes with the baby. The mechanic lady and her friendly droids seemed a likeable characters and I would rather watched her caring for the baby than Mandalorian and the rookie bounty hunter chasing their querry. It is good that Mandalorian dispatched him at the end since the man seems very ruthless and unprincipled as he is quickly convinced by the woman they captured together to betray Mandalorian even though he would not have survived without Mandalorian's help. I only wonder whether he was properly killed off since it often happens in Star Wars that characters that were supposedly killed are not really dead.

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What an incredibly uneventful, boring episode. At this point it’s this has nothing going for it. I hope it gets better.

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Kill Baby Yoda and the show will become MUCH more watchable.

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And as predicted in another comment the merchandise is out now (well they will take your money now and get it to you for June 2020!!!) ... guess what is top of the list ... Baby Yoda, yours for £27. Pretty much the only reason they commissioned the show.

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Mando takes another job and leaves baby in the care of a stranger with candy in another entertaining filler episode. Last two eps have been good but completely interchangeable. With 3 left in the season I hope they get back to what made the series great.

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Good but Not enough baby yoda

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What an episode for wonderful Princess Carolyn and Companion Cube. The Newbee was horrible as a character or an actor is hard to say. The rest is starting to look like a sequel to a great video game: "remember that?" moments were to cringy this time around and our playable character apparently can't say no and changes his mind on a dime... couple of scenes would have fix it easily: make him search some more, comeback empty handed and than show seeking newbee Han themselves and also getting dumber how many scenes of leaving small Yoda alone for no goddamn good reason I have to watch?!
To each they own I guess. I for one enjoyed the hell out of the previous one with all my favorite tropes and recycling scenes and alot of people didn't. Oh, well I hope next one would be better.

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Looks live Steve and me are the only ones who think it get more and more boring with each episode. Don‘t get me wrong, I love Star Wars and even traveled halfway around the world only to see Galaxy‘s Edge, but this is not what I imagined a Mandalorian-Show would be like.

What I think annoys me pretty much is the family-friendlyness of it all. I‘m guessing it would have been way better, if they took a more gritty approach with inspiration from Daredevil, The Boys or even Tarantino.

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Shout by IsharaLion

Fun, but pointless. C'mon guys we're 5 episodes in and you don't even talk about the main problem? Stop with the fillers, it's season 1 for crying out loud, give us context please. I want to know where Baby Yoda comes from and then you even remove him from the sideplot as well just urgh. At least Amy Sedaris was a fun addition.

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Shout by FinFan

For a show that has such a low episode number and run time this seemed like a waste of time. But I will hold my judgement until later because maybe it will make sense in the big picture.
Visually this was again great. Going back to Tatooine, Mos Eisley and the Cantina can be seen either as an homage or fanservice depending on your point of view. I think they overdid it thought with that wannabe bounty hunter sitting in Han's spot. That whole character was a bit on the weak side.

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This episode seems to be getting a lot of flack but I genuinely enjoyed it. It takes us back to a familiar setting and introduces a great female character in the form of a hard-working, greedy, yet amusing and sly mechanic. I gave an extra stat just for her; I want to see more of her in the future even if it won't happen.

I don't know why people are saying the battles are uninspired. A couple moves seemed off but it I really liked the lighting and the aesthetic of it all. Was a lot better than the AT-ST episode.

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Wow, I loved this episode. Exciting story, cool characters and a familiar setting.

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It looks like they took a page from Game of Thrones and made many scenes so dark as to be impossible to see who’s in it and what they’re doing.

I passed all of the Game of Thrones MP4‘s through some editing software and brightened them, and it made them so much more enjoyable, but I’m not going to bother with these.

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Great episode
really enjoyed it
and the pacing was
fantastic. Loved the
repair lady she was so
cool and caring.
I will say Mando doesn't
want to be teaming up
with nobody from the
Guild, he should no better,
That shit won't end well
for him or Baby Yoda.

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Shout by OldBenKenobi

Mando Rewatch

I remember everyone hated this episode. Dave Filoni's debut as a director. He took on the challenge of stuffing this with as much A New Hope references as possible, and I don't hate him for it. We also get the Boba Fett tease, so I can't hate this episode.

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Ok-ish, but a bit boring storylines this and the previous episodes. And what does this all have to do with trying to discover where this utterly ‘cute’ baby-yoda came from and why they want him so badly? What happened to the real storyline?

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Seeing a lot of comments here of people complaining that this episode is just filler, but personally I like the mini adventure-esque nature of the Mandalorian. Just because it's not plot-driven doesn't mean it's not a good episode.

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Mando goes to Mos Eisley and teams up with Toro CALICAN for a target named Fennec played by Melinda May and wow this episode was something, good bike rides, fun gub blasts and double crossing and cute baby yoda moments!

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Yikes. After four solid-to-fantastic episodes, The Mandalorian has hit a massive brick wall. Some have (justifably and understandably) decried The Rise of Skywalker as the weakest thing to come from the Disney era, and while it's certainly not good, "The Gunslinger" might just top it for being woefully mediocre from start to end. A barrage of pointless fanservicey in-jokes, lack of any meaningful depth, and a guest character so unlikable and poorly acted you'd think he's from the prequels.

Ming-Na Wen and Amy Sedaris carry this thing though, particularly Sedaris. Her comedic side role is genuinely inspired and feels like the only original thing here. Dave Filoni's weaknesses as a live action writer and director are in plain view here too with boring, uninspired action sequences and shoddy pacing. This one is a dud.

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The introduction of new characters again seems rushed to me, I don't even remember their names, nor do I care. It's starting to feel like Star Trek - The Original Series with the villain of the week

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When did Jerri Blank start working on ships?

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I was hoping that Ming-Na Wen’s character would come back… and I guess she is? Huh.

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Better than the previous one, but yea, another filler episode that doesn't add a whole lot. It's nice to see Tatooine again, and the various droids and Tusken raiders, and Sedaris was a bit of an amusing surprise. But where's the character development? And give the people what they want: moar baby yoda. Want proof this episode is useless? — notice how the episode order of this one and the previous doesn't even really matter?

Also why does he keep leaving Baby Yoda and his ship unattended? Hasn't he learned his lesson?

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