This 4th chapter was weak sauce.

Hope it was necessary for setup for future story.

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I have to agree with other comments here, I enjoyed the first three episodes but this one was pretty bland.

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The Seven Samurai plot but with The Mandalorian and a rogue soldier. A bit of love interest side-plot. Baby Yoda is still cute. Doesn't progress the story, expands the world a little bit. Nothing to really write home about except for the battle. It's nothing new under the sun.

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Still feels like a videogame. But it's fun to watch.

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That Baby Yoda is too damn cute!! OMG I laughed so hard when he pressed the button after being told not to touch anything.

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a little meh. 4th episode and almost a romance brewing. Saved face second half of episode.

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Single dad and his son go on holiday and meet some troublemakers along the way.

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Someone watched a bad STAR TREK: TNG movie and then wrote some battle scenes that made both sides seem like morons. This was the first disappointing (overall) outing for me, saved only by the ever-cool Mandalorian, a lovely widow, and a child who doesn't always listen to his foster father.

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I thought the daughter did a nice job showing emotion and just being overall cute. The scene where she says goodbye to baby yoda was very believable. It wasn't the greatest episode but I still enjoyed myself and the action was very good again.

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It's a bland Star Wars version of The Magnificent Seven with few characters and no character or story development.
So far the most convincing part of this series are Baby Yoda, "This is the way" and 50% of the combat scenes. The remaining combats are pretty dull though, as in this episode.

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This fond homage to Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai is a welcome surprise. I'm so pleased with the path the show is following, taking its time to introduce characters and set the plot, despite the short running time of each episode.

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i would die for baby yoda. he's too damn cute.

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This episode was pathetic compared to the first three, I was getting really high hopes for this series but it seems it'll start going down the drain from here on.

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This show just went from a pretty great effort to... Poor acting and seen it scenes. Pls get better again.

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I must say I liked this show Immediately. And I just like it better and better. I really liked this episode. This is what we needed after that Last Jedi circus. Good work, and keep it up!

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My favorite ep alongside the pilot, because it feels truly of expanding the world (and thanks in no small part to having Baby Yoda doing THINGS more than usual), although the biggest (and pleasant) surprise is seeing Bryce Dallas Howard in the end credit as director.

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This will be my favorite episode in The Mandalorian for sure. I was almost dying cause of the cuteness of Baby Yoda :'(

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The art design and end credits music is very good.

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Can you say "The Magnificent Seven "

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The Magnificent Two....not very original...

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WOW.... very nice episode.... and... Star Wars Crush <3

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After the greatness of the first two episodes and the sheer glory of the last one, this episode was.... a fun enough divergent. Mando's characterization seemed a bit lighter than the first three eps, less stoic. I still had a very good time with the episode. It just felt off somehow

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Shout by j_pereira8

New faces and new scenery and still Baby Yoda continues to steal the show. A good balance of action and storytelling but I'd be happier if the episodes were longer. The AT-ST Raider was a nice surprise too. It's cool to see the concept art at the end of each episode.

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Shout by FinFan

This one's more of a filler. A bit too convenient and predictable. I mean, you know what was going to happen. I really like that they adressed things like Mando eating. But is there a story with Omera? She's too good a shot to have been a farmer her whole life. Maybe she came there for sanctuary, too ? I wonder if that will be adressed later. Still, great production value and the battle at the end was really good.

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classic samurai story, a band of bandits torments a village, asking for help from an errant ronin

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Shout by Luca

Didn't like this episode. It's not because of Cara Dune - I think she's brave for posting her own opinion on Twitter and I think she doesn't deserve the hate she's getting right now. However, this round was literally just Seven Samurai in space. We already have an anime adaption of that. It's called Samurai Seven. This episode was ultimately useless and the raiders had some of the worst strategies. The plot armor was thick, no doubt.

I think the AT-ST was stupid and I think the red lights at the top looked dumb, although I know they need to have light inside of it at night. It just looked like such a stereotypically evil color and I thought it was funny how blatant it was that the creators were trying to make it look like glowing eyes in the forest.

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I actually think this is a better episode then most give it credit for - outside of Gina Carano of course, though that's less due to her acting and more due to the fact she's a transphobe (her acting is fine to good here). Other then that annoyance, "Sanctuary"'s strength as an episode lies with it's humanization of Mando as a character. A lot is done here with very little, and Bryce Dallas Howard directs the crap out of it with stellar cinematography and a keen eye for character moments. This is her directorial debut and she does a great job, and clearly has some kind of future behind the camera.

The Seven Samurai style setting isn't new to Star Wars (The Clone Wars had an episode eerily similar to this) but it fits with the constant western and Kurosawa influence the series has had, and it tells the story well in 42 minutes to where you get all of the major beats. Plus everything with the AT-ST? Genuinely inspired stuff.

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It’s inconceivable that after being told that ALL the tracking fobs were out, the Mandalorian wouldn’t REMEMBER that fact. Are we to believe that he’s that stupid, to just leave baby Yoda there?

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7 Samurai. But there's only 2. And they're not Samurai.

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So Good
A nice grounded episode
before we head back out
into the naughtiness
and excitement
of space.
Baby Grogu-aka Baby Yoda
is awesome and amazing
as always and I was dying
for Baby Yoda to get a
Look what was hoping
around on that planet lol.
Mando was fantastic and
I really feel his emotions
and expressions through
that helmet.
and this episode is a
special treat for me because
I get the amazing
Gina Corano in it
who makes a perfect
alli for Mando.
Cara Dune brings such
charisma and energy
and strength to the role
I can't wait till we cross

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Shout by OldBenKenobi

Mando Rewatch

I always love the episode/stories of the Hero helping the Village. I'm a sucker for it. I know not everyone likes this episode, but I'm in the minority. Grogu has some of his best moments here. Him drinking bone broth was my computer wallpaper for months.

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My fave so far! I feel like now we are getting some direction as to where the show is going and we are seeing a more humane side of Mando!

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We pick up with Mandalorian as he goes to the planet Sorgan and meets up with Cara dune and helps the locals there take down the Bandits and their AT-ST mech and it was quite fun!

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Great episode bit a little step down from the previous one. The Child makes up for it though.

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Lone Wolf and Cub with blasters

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Love the casting choice for Cara Dune. Love the concept art at the end. Kind of a cheesy/cliche episode though. But I'm still digging the show

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4th episode kinda sucked tbh

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Was mildly concerned that they had yet to borrow heavily from The Seven Samurai. I can breathe a great big sigh of relief.

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Great action and the super cute baby Yoda. Makes you forgive it for the cliche Magnificent Seven like plot.

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This show has so much heart. :heart:

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Ehhhhhhh! Why is Rhonda Rousey in so much, she is awful!!!!!

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