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The Expanse: Season 4

4x09 Saeculum

I like the Miller construct more then I liked Miller. How long will I fall? For the rest of your life.

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I had forgotten how much I missed ProtoMiller. Daaamn.

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Great episode! I really liked the way Miller came back this episode since he was so much alike s1&2 Miller. I liked Amos and Wei together, but she was getting too much in the way so Amos had to do what he did. Really fucked me up the way he also got shot tho, I hope he’s ok. I can’t wait to see how this season ends especially after this ep.

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Things (Protomolecules stuff) just got a whole lot crazier. I hope it won't get too crazy though. At least there was some interesting Sci-Fi stuff (especially that water-like substance when they traveled to the core(?)).

Luckily I can watch the next episode right away :)

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It's taken four seasons, but this show finally gave us an episode that was worthwhile of its ambitions. An epic and intriguing sci-fi tale full of suspense mixed with strong character work. I am not the biggest fan of The Expanse and often feel very let down by it (and season 4 in general has been lesser), but when it comes together like this its completely worth the time invested.

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Amos and Miller have the best lines. Holden's interaction with Miller is nice bittersweet throwback to the time they've spent fighting together during Eros incident. The showdown with Murtry feels a bit anticlimactic, but I suppose it's necessary to keep the story on its direction. It focuses on finishing the New Terra story arc.

There is a nice development of Holden's character, that perhaps summed up his character in the last two seasons, during his conversation with Murtry. "I met a guy who liked to talk about past genocides to justify his bullshit. A friend of mine shot him in the face." The guy was Dresden in S02. Whereas back then Holden was confused, cautious, and reluctant - shown as he was very angry with Miller about it - here he seems to be more confident and thought Miller actually did the right thing. It's also interesting that every time Holden refers to Miller, he always says "a friend" or "someone I know" instead of mentioning him by name (see e.g. Holden's conversation with Dawes).

This episode has suspense, action, mystery, and character development. All the classic The Expanse is back after a noticeable lag on previous episodes.

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Amos continues to be awesome. And more importantly, the incredibly boring and useless UN soap opera garbage is COMPLETELY missing from this one. My hopes were definitely fulfilled on that front -- at least for one episode.

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Okay, now that's..that's called real suspense. So many reveals, incredible acting, gorgeous shots.

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Spinning out of control into space may be one of my top fears; lucky there's gravity.
Also, there's mention of blue gel that will need to be cleaned; is it Dawn dish soap?

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