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The Expanse: Season 4

4x10 Cibola Burn

Oh man, season 5 can't come soon enough!

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While I love this show, I think this season was more like a filler one. Nothing really happened, it was just setting up the playfield for season five. To which I am very much looking forward.

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The Amazon money is really showing. The entire season and especially Ilus looked insanely beautiful.

Can't wait for Season 5. Going to be fantastic.

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I am dissapointed by the season overall. Visually among the best shows. But I had hoped to see and learn more about the aliens and their history. This is really pushed into the background. The rest could have been done in a two hour movie.
Instead this is still about humans and their greed, their desire to control and conquer, how some think they are above others and how they are the only ones who deserve things. Gaining positions, holding power. And that goes for all factions involved here. There is no one to root for in this tale. I doubt, that if mankind is still that way, they wouldn't even achieved of fraction of what is shown here. I had really hoped this would be different. I know there is another season coming and I am not going to say I won't watch it. But I see if I still care once it aires.

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I don't understand why when Ashford did the raid on Marco's ship, after realizing he lost and about to die, why not signal his ship to destroy Marco's ship. They where sitting ducks because the EMP stopped their engine.

Very good season in general. I'm looking forward for the next one.

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Avasarala and Bobbie were both almost criminally underutilized this season. Avasarala is somewhat understandable since she's a diplomatic drone and therefore unlikely (relative to any of the other major players) to be involved in much that makes for compelling viewing, but Bobbie? I just hope that she plays a more relevant role in the future...

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I'll need to rewatch this season. It was good, visually stunning but the writing could have been smoother. Felt like some of the plot was hard to grasp. I feel like Naomi could have been developed more. Also, someone give Chrisjen her asthma pumps already!

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Seems like Elvi Okoye got what she wanted and would kill for :D She's also special now.

Jim: "How bad is it?"
Amos: "I'm a little messed up."
(Reminded me of "It's but a scratch." from Monty Python.)

The regrowth gel is super awesome, if only we already had such technology. I generally envy the medical advances the most in Sci-Fi shows. AutoDoc seems also super useful (plus the analysis tools, medication printers, etc.).

Bobbie having to save Leelee was an unexpected turn of events but of course Bobbie wouldn't let her die. It's even kinda nice that they get (somewhat) along now.

Amos vs. Murtry was nice, even though we didn't get to see it. Murtry definitely had that coming!

I'm sad that Ashford is gone now but at least he went out in style :) Also makes me glad that Drummer didn't join him (I hope that we'll see her in the next season).

Bobbie and Avasarala could be very interesting (assuming Avasarala can make it work and still has enough connections but I doubt neither of that).

I wonder what season five has to offer and I'm already super excited!

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Shout by Ana

Not Ashford, dammit! I'm heartbroken that they killed him. Hopefully Marco will get what he deserves next season.

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God I'm glad I can read the books to know what happens next!

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did they just kill one of the only 2 belters w/ good actors

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I don't like this state of affairs when it comes to a story. When you know it's not that good anymore, but it's decent enough and you're invested enough that you keep watching and you're still kind of enjoying it. You enjoy the good moments, and hope the show becomes good again.

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I liked how the season ends. They prepare the way for a season 5 that I hope will come

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