Incredible satire.

Many fictionalised critiques of awful people caricature them to the point where it feels like the only bad guy left is a straw man or something so uncommon as to be impossible to place in one’s mind. The Curse is more interested in the banality of awfulness, think Arendt or Solondz, and the banality is what connects it to the real world—I don’t know a Thanos or a Napoleon—we all know people like this.

This is very hard to watch, and even harder if you wish to sympathise with its targets, but it’s very good.

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I have no idea what's going on

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The pacing is bad. This should have been 30 min.

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The awkwardness of this show is so hard to watch lol. I love Emma Stone though so I'll keep watching but it's tough.

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I’m confused because last episode they made it seem like they don’t have sex and that she didn’t want any kids with him so what happened

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Safdies and Fielder - not exactly an incredible combo. He should of done another season of The Rehearsal or his og show. The “Nathan” we know and love isn’t plugging and playing quite the way we wanted here. Emma stone gives tho.

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I was hoping episode 2 would give more of a sense that the show was heading somewhere but at a guess I'm thinking this might be the kind of show you enjoy in retrospect, after you have finally gotten a sense of the overarching point of the show and forgotten how difficult much of it was to watch... and yet, I continue on, can't stop here, gotta see it through and find out what it's all about.

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The weird show continues. LOL

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