Oddly disappointed that he didn't bang himself

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OMG Homlander is getting creepier every episode

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Wow Stormfront...Classic Gretchen behaviour

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I swear I can't stand any more Homelander drinking milk scenes

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I felt so uncomfortable watching Homelander outing Maeve on live tv without her consent.

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I'm still stuck on how storm front even got into the seven in the first place. I mean she's not exactly a team player; How would an image-minded corporation like Vought even hire such an outspoken individual to begin with?

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I used to have a huge crush on Elizabeth Shue in the 80s and apparently still do but then THAT happened!!

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Homelander: Change the fuck back dobbelganger

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Homelander: "It's not even gay, if it's with yourself, right?" :joy::joy::joy:

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  • I was super confused when Madelyn showed up, different theories started popping into my head :sweat_smile:
  • As much as I hate Homelander, the psychopath is a very interesting character and is getting creepier each episode... That final scene!
  • So Stormfront is Liberty! Is Vought aware of this? What is the purpose of bringing her back into the spotlight after all these years? Especially since she was very outspoken against everything Vought stands for from the start
  • The memes of Stormfront and Homelander are brilliant! :joy:
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We didn't start the fire...

But now we know that Vought might have poured some gasoline in it... I wonder if some events cited in the song might be connected to them at some point.

Homelander's descent has been entertaining but the thing with Maeve has been brought up too many times to be just a red herring. I expect we'll see more on that front as well as A-Train's.

Gretchen being a Hancock-like superhero makes so much sense. Though I guess FX didn't want the "racist grandma" angle. :rofl:

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Eww Homlander is creepy yet the most interesting character... wish we could see more of Maeve this season. Deep disgust me

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Every day I get more and more hooked on this series, but the ending has left me with a feeling of: come on, don't fuck with me! You can't cut the series now

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This is a major improvement over the first two episodes!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW!!

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i'll be honest my absolute least favourite thing in the show so far is maeve telling elena she doesn't want homelander to find out about her, then just talking to her on the phone about their relationship right in the vought boardroom. just really dumb and i hate contrived writing choices like that where the characters do dumb things just to lead to drama. unless maeve was lying about that as the reason, idk.

also did they kill shapeshifter because otherwise viewers would constantly be guessing that maybe someone is fake? i spent half the episode worrying that billy's wife was shapeshifter which probably took away from the impact of the scenes. it's kinda better for him to be dead otherwise viewers are probably always speculating. it's too strong of a power.

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at that scene where kimiko was gonna fuck up stormfront i both really wanted her to do it (because fuck stormfront) but i also wanted someone to stop her, and tbh im glad frenchie did. it would have been a MASSIVE shitshow. feel a bit sad for him, he got rejected by her (tho why would u kiss a girl u like when she just watched her brother get killed by a racist fuck). i honestly hope they dont get together tho it'd fuck up her healing process/just becoming her own person.

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Eww Homlander is creepy yet the most interesting character... wish we could see more of Maeve this season. Deep disgust me

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"Scissoring each other raw" actual lol

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Poorest episode up to date. Boring.

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Great dirty talk foreplay between Homelander and the other Homelander

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Am I missing something?
We now know that Liberty was a superhero 40+ years ago, but has Compound V been out there that long? I mean, she was relatively unknown, as if it was a normal thing to have heroes then, but I thought Vought did that in the last 20 something years, Homelander being one of the first huge heroes to get recognition and fame. Did I miss something or does this feel like a bad retcon of sorts?

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I get it! Women is smart and men is stupid. Thank you the boys for this valuable lesson.

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The stromfront-plot thickens...
I really enjoy someone one-upping Homelander, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I would have liked when it comes from someone potentially even crazier.

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