Poor whale man.... wish there were more episodes. I knew storm front was a bitch but I didn’t expect her to be as evil as homelander, woah.

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I’m disgusted every time Homelander drinks milk now. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m vegan. It’s just the way he drinks it... since the baby bottle in episode 1 :face_vomiting:

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hands in the air like you just don't care... KILL!

words to live by

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Stormfront is all about female empowerment but also a sadistic racist? Damn. This show really isn't afraid of anything and I love it xD Can't wait for the moment she gets killed by Kimiko.

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Stormfront is a bigger cunt than homelander.

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Thought I couldn't hate anyone in this show more than I hate Homelander, then Stormfront shows up...

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Just in case anyone needed another reminder of why The Deep simply CANNOT be entrusted with the welfare of an aquatic mammal...

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The sets and special effects were so amazing in this one. Panning up the building and just watching as it and the people inside get destroyed by Stormfront. And the whale!! I loved Hughie just sitting inside of it in shock thinking 'there is no lower point than this Homelander just come kill me' and everyone climbing inside to talk him out of it it was funny and crazy bizarre but dark.

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I swear no other show can do gross as well as this show does.

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This season finally picked up the pace!

  • I thought Stormfront was gonna be one of the cool superheroes but damn! She is even more psycho than Homelander! And racist!
  • Homelander pushing his boy was a predictable move but I couldn't stop laughing when it happened
  • First the dolphin and now the whale! Deep, stop getting your friends killed! :sweat_smile:
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Frenchie and Petite Hughie's kiss... adorable!

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Classic Gretchen. :laughing:

And here I thought Homelander would be in love...

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Stormfront's psycho-sexual satisfaction from killing makes her (slightly) worse than Homelander.

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It's become a slave of its own shtick; everyone's a fuck...either a sociopathic, evil, dick-tard, or a sniveling, bipolar, whine bag, "twat". Problem that creates is the absence of a true protagonist, someone you truly root for. Closest person left is Kimiko. Otherwise, I don't really give a flying fish dick what happens to the rest. I'll keep watching, but wish it was better.

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When Kimiko kills Stormfront I'm going to enjoy it SO much.

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This show never fucks around and that's why I love it

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The most lethal episode and wow an emotional-action filled one and enter Stormfront.

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And we thought Homelander was a problem

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This was The Boys' "jump the shark" moment.

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I love Queen Maeve!! Also it will be interesting to see Stormfront and Homelander butting heads... I feel so bad for Hughie and Annie

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I knew Stormfront was a load of bollocks

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The moment of Stormfront stealing the spotlight from Homelander and how he is sparing her life in the benefit is brutal, my doubt is, who will finish her off first Homelander or Kimiko / The Female?

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Now they got white supremacists in this now? Gee this show doesn’t hold back. But then again I’ve heard the comics are way crazier

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Interesting that, in this trash filled with Hollywoodian superpsycopaths it's no problem to show graphic and cruel treatment of animals but if it would have been a normal movie not made by far left Hollywood asshats then the woke and easily offended would come screaming.

Sad that the whale killing was the best part of the episode.

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Now that was a very good episode! Battle of the Superpsychopaths.

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I knew stormfront was gonna be the worst of the worst, the other 5 of them were brought in by a marketing team, while mr edgar personally selected her, that says it all!!!!!! I can’t wait till Kimiko gets her sweet revenge!
And can we take a moment to focus on black noir??? He was crying in the hallway after finding out the truth, I wanna see more of him!!
And the show is so good BUT they literally skip crucial moments! Like when did Starlight blew the whistle?? How?! Through a reporter? That imaginary reporter could’ve been a character! Did she go to the cnn offices and was like helloooo i have something to share?
And I can’t wait til homelander jr destroys homelander sr!!!

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I like how little fish is trying to become a better man. I’m growing to like him.
Poor Lucy, but what were you thinking, putting her in that position, Deep?!

But Stormfront, holy fuck. I thought she was cool. She’s fucking messed up omg. I mean it might be good in order to get rid of Homelander, I can see how she might become the new lead. She’s effective. But... she wouldn’t be much better. Yikes.

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Shout by Ro

I hope Greenpeace isn’t watching this episode?!

Butcher: ‘Pinokkio stays in’.


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What’s up with Hollywood’s love fest with Hamilton? WTF! That was one crappy ass play. It’s like the writers want to constantly suck Lin-Manuel Miranda’s dick.

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"What's the plan on Translucent?"
"That's a great question. We're gonna take a stuntman, put him in a jumpsuit, and just CG him out."

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The moment Huegh realises that Billy is his second wind! :heart::heart::heart:

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Shout by MSochist

Stormfront's still hot IDGAF xD

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Shout by Darth

watchmen reference with the harmonica at the start??

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Even on my 4th watch of this show,that Stormfront scene at the end of the episode shocks me just as much as it did the first time

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Seriously why does this show hate marine animals so much..??

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And i'm the one who thought that Stormfront is a good person,
Lol,But for real this show is really good

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Stormfront killed/injured those innocent civilians! I so wished for her to get punished by Homelander!

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