Sad that Liz is so naive and didn’t see through this woman long ago. Learned nothing from Red I guess. While he is slow too. He should have known she might try to enter Liz’s life.
Yet he was playing Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego.
Oh and Liz getting hints something is wrong from the babysitter. But just acting annoyed by it. What an idiot.

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Why is everyone bending over backwards to try and explain/justify things to Park? Either stop whining and put up with it, or get out. We're in season 7, we don't need more hand wringing about whether or not helping Reddington is moral or not. We've been through this multiple times.

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Everything besides the Blacklister/DEA informant plot was what was interesting. It felt lackluster. What was going on with Raymond, and Katarina with Ilya/The Stanger, and Elizabeth coming to know about the dead body Agnes witnessed, was more of the highlight.

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