Well, that was dumb. The Blacklisters are getting considerably worse. Why was Hannah Hayes even on The Blacklist? I guess creativity can't last up to seven seasons and counting. What happened to "I’m talking about the criminals who matter. Ones you can’t find because you don’t even know they exist." There's no way Hannah fits within that category. The writers are just desperately pulling garbage out of their asses at this point.

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I read a story online. I cannot remember which country, UK or USA. A man had raped a women. She had the child. The rapist was eventually released and wanted joint custody or visitation rights and the judge awarded him such righrs and the women had to live within 100 miles of the rapist. Bloody disgusting judge.

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Is it slowly getting woke?
The new asian girl seems a bit of a mary sue. Katarina, despite her paranoia, certainly is. Liz always was as far as I can remember.
The subject matter of this episode was unsubtle to say the least. It was balanced up until a certain point. The scenes with Reddington were, as always, great imo so that goes a long way... But how long still. I think it's safe to say season 8 will be (or should be?) The Blacklist's last.

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"That's incredible.
That's discusting."

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I knew Christian conservatives would get triggered af watching this episode :joy:. And the writers didn't even glorify the pro-choice movement!

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Boo..and shame.. SJW episode. This has been an awesome show from the start, but I am done if you keep up this political BS. What is happening to media? It was not long ago I had never heard of SJWs and woke, now it's all I see. We fans watch shows like this to escape into another world and be entertained, and excited, not to see more of the same crap.

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Red is being a bit slow. Looking everywhere for Liz’s mom. Yet her trying to enter Liz’s life didn’t go through his mind once ?
Oh and men having babies ?

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So we just gonna be blasting Reddington's "true" identity from the rooftops.

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This Blacklister was next level... I mean... what she/they did was gruesome, truly horrifying but at the same time I think a lot of people can sympathize with the cause. The reasoning behind it, the message underneath was on point. But still, the whole of it gave me the creeps!

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