Wow what can be said! Great ending to a fantastic series that leaves you eagerly anticipating season 3. Too many times series such as these become stale but for me this is still as intriguing as S.1 E.1 giving you an ultimate answer for one of the shows main stories and produces an ending where your left begging for one more episode.

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Liz gets more depth in the show regarding her past. Interesting!
James Spader with an amazing performance! what an actor he has been for this series and not just this episode or season.

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Great finale. Middle of the season was a bit average, but this finale changes things!

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At least Lizzy has some backbone now. Next season should be wild with her being on the Most Wanted list. This was a great season.

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Shout by Nimazaki

Cooper and his badass scene with the doctor, and finally finding out that he's not sick.. what a relief!
Red revealing everything to the journalists, and Lizzy finally remembered!!
I love her moments with Red in the end of most episodes but this one was not like any other.. "You're my sin eater" THE FEELS!!! ):

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Season finale. Liz increasingly distant from what it was in the T1 you away from everything here, to see wiath is next

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What a season end; I want to know what happens next! Tell me now!!

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I think the episode name Masha Rostova. Could you check it????

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Really liked that last episode. I really didnt expect Liz to shoot. Her on the run and the cabal trying to fight exposure sounds like a really good pitch for s3.

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Shout by AJ

A virus that is transmited by contact, and it's on Keen's blood. Hum. Wouldn't it be, by definition, on the blood of anybody else she has touched? Ressler, for example? Maybe magical viruses don't work that way. The magical type that can kill you in seconds after the infection. Remember, it's not poison, not a toxin, not quantum nanobots, not radiation... a virus.

Do people not see the many, many many plot holes, or they just don't care?

Speaking of not caring... woah. It's the first time I've seen a street car chase scene with no traffic at all. You can fake the speed, be completely unrealistic... but not a single moving vehicle other than the two involved in the chase? That's a new level of lame even for this show. Why do I keep watching this? Oh, right, for Keen's masterful acting.

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Shout by dgw

I could tell after the previous episode that they were setting up for something big, and boy did this pay off.

Lol at all the comments saying Trakt got the episode title wrong. Trakt doesn't maintain any of this data themselves, first of all; it's all pulled in from third-party databases. And more importantly, Wikipedia can be wrong (or outdated). In this case the episode's original intended title was changed.

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Shout by Deleted

cracking end to the season. What will happen next?

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Nice one! This is what a season ending should be like :)
No cliffhangers that make you want to see the next episode but that you have forgotten by the time the new season starts, but an ending that ties up most of the loose ends and leaves one end open to make you anxious for a new season..

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So much awesome! This show has so many cliffhangers. I can't wait for the next season.

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No, Wikipedia says Episode name is Masha Rostova whereas episode title says it as Tom Connoly

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Trakt, please correct the name of this episode. It s called "Masha Rostova", not "Tom Donnelly".

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