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The Blacklist: Season 2

2x21 Karakurt

I don't expected that plot against Lizzy at all!!

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Preparing season finale. Lizzy Run, run very fast

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Ah, that must be why she got attacked at Union Station: to infect her

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Shout by AJ

Ressler and Keen looking for the suspect in the crowd at Union Station, and I wonder "what the ffffork are they looking for? They don't even know his face". But then of course, they are looking for a guy with a grey hoodie. Because you know, no terrorist would change clothes or even take off the hoodie's hood.

Also, Cooper, maybe "your wife perjured herself" can be countered with "yeah, but you, on the other hand, are a corrupt blackmailer part of a major criminal conspiracy and actively sabotaging a federal investigation, so you're under arrest... or even better, Red, take care of him for me, will you?". Yeah, I know, never gonna happen. But a least stop willingly sharing intel with him, you huge doofus!!!! (I'm referring to every time he shared info before being instructed by Red to do so).

Nice plot twist in the end though. Or what would have been a plot twist, if they didn't make it so obvious during the whole episode.

And then I check the comments here and see a majority of 9/10 and 10/10 ratings... 'Cos is a masterpiece that couldn't possibly be improved in any way?

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Shout by dgw

An "open-source" journal, Aram? In Soviet Russia? They keep putting nonsense into his mouth, and it's annoying.

Aside from that, this is a return to form, after several episodes mid-season spent on apparent irrelevant plots. I especially enjoyed feeling like I was somehow getting and interpreting clues at the same time as Reddington, and figuring out what really happened right along with him.

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Great return to form. Everything is heating up, fast. This is the Blacklist I'm used to!

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Deffinitely did not see that ending coming. WOW!

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Shout by Nick

Season is starting to heat up!

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Awesome episode, nice twist at the end there, season finale is going to be crazy!

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