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The Bear: Season 1

1x02 Hands

if i had to call every person "chef" any time something has to be done, i would lose my mind; seems like a waste of time

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"shut the fuck up"
(off-camera) "me shut the fuck up?"
"no not you...(under breath) because you weren't even speaking"

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Me being unable to gather meaning from context and searching what family and hands mean in restaurant jargon

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Such a unique, interesting show. Really feel the Atlanta influence in this one. The car scenes really grabbed me.

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I don’t get the appeal of the show, I really don’t.

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Ok that's it! I'm not watching this crap anymore! They really killing my nerves with their eternal "Chef Chef Chef "talk! But that's also the only thing you remember about this Show, because all the other conversations are almost all irrelevant so far. Not my kind of good Entertainment

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This stupid Richie character is making this show super hard to get into…

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shout out to richie for being the worst man in the world but a grade-a excellent father. he's really giving "if Cliff Steele was a chef" vibes.

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This show is too stressful

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The tall man is really too much. Very unpleasant.

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