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Silo: Season 1

1x03 Machines

Anybody catch that blink and you'll miss it moment when the lights went off? The filter on the screens turned off and you could see the green grass, for just a split second. Wonder if anybody in the Silo noticed it.

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tbh this show made me invested in an extended scene about fixing a generator so i'm here for it

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Good episode, could've easily been 20 minutes shorter though. They're clearly stretching things out to fill a 10-hour season.

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And that's how a show keeps us on the edge of our seats! Superb episode!

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Juliette is the best person for the job of fixing the blades on the rotor, but she decides to jump down to spray water on the super hot cover to the steam pipe… Surely anyone on the ground could have done that just as well? Not to mention that she probably would have asphyxiated from all that steam inside the small space, or died from the heat exposure.

Plus the mayor's death scene was so cliché you could see it coming from a mile away.

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The action sequence was running a bit long but otherwise another solid episode.
I'm surprised there wasn't another way to relieve the steam pressure. Was that just a story tool to generate tension? You would think the builders would incorporate a way to make repairs in case they are needed. Otherwise they were either pretty sure the generator would run forever or they never anticipated it runs so long. Weird.
Did you notice the moment they switched to the back-up the screen showed a healthy, green environment outside ? No coincidence I say.
Bernard is hiding something, he is a much more important player in the tale. Unfortunately I was sure the moment the major opened up to the deputy her clock was running out.

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It really is snowpiercer 2.0

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This show is getting more and more dense. Can’t wait for next episode. Initially I felt like between THX 1138 and Equilibrium now I don’t know maybe like “Vaterland” with “Game of Thrones”.
And I think we are still curious what lies outside?
And anyone beside me thinks of Barnard like of Architect in Matrix?

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If it managed to put me on the edge of my seat, it's a great episode. I have hopes for this show.

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Enjoying this more and more.Definatley one of the better hows to come out latley.

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They really built a giant silo without an elevator? Come on Dawg

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I just learned how to straighten a steel blade with a grinder, well done, Apple. I mean, why you think your audience are retarded

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There was a lot of screaming and a pulsating score. But if you look beneath the surface, I don't see anything worth getting excited about. This is a vertical Snowpiercer.

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In a dystopic future where people are starting to realize their entire life is a lie and curiously thermodynamics are very different from how we know it.

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Lol so many people making comments about the stupidity of the founders have no idea what they are talking about. Do you think the writers are just making this up as they go along? This is based on a super popular book, one the best in the genre in the past few decades, and it is very well thought out. Just give it a chance.

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Rebecca Ferguson keeps giving and giving

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It was going so well, until we got to the token filler episode: The GENERATOR!

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It's cookie cutter tension building, but damn if my palms weren't sweaty.
The initial intrigue and mystery is losing a lot of lustre, almost like the show doesn't want to broach those questions for doing so will neuter the only thing going for it; so now we're left doing the grimey maintenance work while we tread water for conflict and plot to appear. I'm still enjoying it, but Silo will have to pull something pretty substantial out of the bag over the course of the next few episodes to keep me coming back.

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Wait so founders built the silo but they were not smart enough to build a secondary generator or have spare supplies or the ability to fix a generator by shutting if sections of it or no way to cool the steam chamber in the case that it needs to be sealed or elevators. What type of stupid founders where these?

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What the hell. I've never been so tense because of a generator

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Pretty sure someone else could've fill that space with water instead of Juliette going all the way down, or if she has to go at least someone could've help Cooper holding the blade and putting it in.........

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Shout by Jaysonsosweet

Wow great tension! I felt like I was in the damn generator myself! What a feeling!

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Rebecca Ferguson is very good but this is my least favourite episode yet!

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Shout by Yaxare

Upon rewatching the episode I find myself liking it more. I also notice more details, like the posters about the Syndrome, about which we will learn a few episodes after this one.

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This was good. I liked the mayor and deputy bonding. Not happy about the end of said bonding but I knew it was coming.

I think they dragged the repair scene though. It was good at first stakes were high but ready in “a few minutes” literally turned into the girl almost drowning. Like come on. Probably should have put her in the water sooner but her shadow was in no way ready to take over. I honestly thought he was going to die but that would leave the mech team dwn not that they’re truly important now that the thing is fixed permanently.

I don’t like the IT boss. He seems suspicious not in an evil type of way but in a “I know what the secrets are” kind of way which would make sense if he could see into all computers but I’m just assuming he can.

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This definitely taps into the technological side of me. It makes you really start to wonder what’s going on. I thought the generator scene was actually pretty cool, minus Juliet, almost dying. That could’ve been definitely worked through by the folks that built it, but then again, When it was first built, they probably never imagined that sort of thing. And I’m starting to wonder whether what happened to the mayor at the end all had to do with someone trying to prevent Juliet as sheriff? Some thing is about to hit the fan here.

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after the 3rd episode I'm out. I had high hopes.

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Started of promising but it's already starting to annoy me now.

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