I didn't really care for the whole sun summoner story line but the Kaz & co stuff was pretty good (even despite them nerfing him). Looking forward to season 2.

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Wish there was more action, but I guess CGI is expensive

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Well lmao I was definitely not expecting them to get rid of the Darkling's moral ambiguity and paint him as a stereotypical Disney villain

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I love how they treated Zoya in this version.

I didn't like how Inej threw her knives

I still would have preferred if Crow's story was less related to S&B more in Ketterdam, but it was good

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This show does not have enough interesting characters for me to care about what happens.

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"You're welcome to grow a beard... but only for the purpose of keeping me warm." :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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No funerals!

Aaaand the antlers got absorbed into Alinas's body. Ok, then. Good news for the make up crew, I guess. Also, now no one will be able to recognized her. Win-win.

I didn't like the plot the series added about General Zlatan wanting independence from the rest of Ravka. In a way, I feel like it served to justify the Darkling wiping out Novokirbisk. In the book, he just destroyed that whole town to establish and show off his power. It was a threat. It was infinitely more evil. They keep trying to justify his behavior and make him sympathetic. He's greedy and unapologetic, the lonely, misunderstood boy died a long, long time ago.

Also, the Nina/Matthias twist was every bit as heartbreaking as it was in the book. They had such a rocky start, and right when everything seemed to be looking up. Bam. They're back to square one. So sad.

I look forward to season 2 and the glorious introduction of prince Nikolai. He, Nina and Jesper would be a riot together. All that charm and flirtatious energy. The world is simply not ready.

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Great final episode for Season 1. Good binge watch Series. Can be a bit slow, but keeps you interested all the way through. :thumbsup_tone1:

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We need a second season now.
It was a decent finale and there were some good scenes.

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