I really liked the show, "Two Broke Girls," and this skit was funny, but I think was also political as it commented on how we in the U.S. are tone deaf to other country's concerns (no surprise considering how our shadowy overlords control the news & politicians). Any-who, it did add a dimension that a tidal wave killing one million people in Europe was only briefly interrupting our regularly scheduled T.V. broadcast - hahaha.

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[7.3/10] Plenty of good stuff here. The meta humor in the finales is always fun, with Seth and Matt doing a Terminator riff with the humping robot and the titular chicken. And Doug Goldstein appealing to the audience, failing, but still ending up living out his dream of riding a motocycle in a cool jacket with Christie Brinkley. Plus, while a little uncomfortable in the #metoo era, the “dicks out Thursday” was played in absurd enough tones to get a laugh.

As for the actual sketches, the Batman v. Superman bit was pretty weak, but Superman worrying about Lois having been killed in a fellatio-based accident is the sort of sophomoric but vaudevillean humor that Robot Chicken is known for. Screwhead being a pest in a Gobots sketch didn’t do much for me, but his “I will remember you” pastiche song got a chuckle. And the palm tree being excited about people drinking out of coconuts, then turning to the audience and noting that they’ve all done it was, again, puerile but funny.

Overall, a nice way to close out the season.

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