[7.4/10] Kind of a loopy episode, which is saying something for Robot Chicken. Darth Vader trying to find an apology card for Leia was amusing in the “grand space opera meets quotidian daily life” vein of humor this show’s good at. The bit with Terminator changing the future in ridiculous ways was a little too random for me. The same goes for Edna Mode on Project Runway which was a cute idea that never really found the laughs.

Some of my favorite gags in the episode were, honestly, the dumbest/simplest. The jokes about the overly elaborate original name for Jurassic Park got a laugh out of me both times, and the eel drums/steel drums visual pun got me chuckling. The Eagle Force’s new name bit was pretty amusing too in a “straight man frustrated with idiots” sort of way, and the references to Willy Wonka getting locked out of his factory and The Night King raising dead rappers were silly but amusing skits.

Overall, a fun episode with a couple of big misses.

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