you know its truly paying homage to riverdale when they don’t give toni any screentime

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I'm actually really impressed. The conclusion to Rivervale was beyond my expectations and I expected literally anything to happen. I really like the whole twinverse idea and how they told the story. The Reggies was a gift. So fun! and seeing Jason, TALKING!? What a treat! Kind of want to keep him around now... I want to see what kind of person Cheryl would've been with Jason around. Rivervale proved to be such an interesting twist.
It's also really wild that we've been living in this universe for five whole episodes in which EVERYTHING happened and now we're blasted back into our own Riverdale and none of it happened... Honestly, I've really started to appreciate the craziness and the crack the writers are so clearly on. Give me some.

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It doesn't make any sense... but yet, it does!

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This was actually something I enjoyed watching, strangely enough. It made sense, finally, I guess...

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Shout by leean
BlockedParent2021-12-15T12:31:13Z— updated 2021-12-19T04:17:50Z

wow i can't believe this episode will be this good

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i’m loving everything about this

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You know… I’m not mad about it


Seeing people back from the dead was insane

Loved the two Reggie’s

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Shout by JasperKazai

This was actually not half bad! See, if this Rivervale bullshit had started like this, and there were a series of episodes where old Riverdale plot points were reintroduced in a slightly altered fashion, then it could've been something really spectacular. They could've even still had their dumb Sabrina crossover by having her work a magic spell to help the universes separate or whatever. But, no, we get the utter garbage that we got instead.
Parallel universes can be fun when done well. Fringe is a halfway decent example of this. The arc here could've been cool. But nope.

Bringing back Reggie's original actor was a good gag. I can commend this show when it deserves it.
Was that the first time Jason has ever had a speaking line? I think it might be.

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What a load of crap. The POWAH OF WRITING! yeah, sure, dream on… That will save the universe. And for how many years? Jughead will get older and eventually die. The bunker is sealed so they would die even earlier due to the lack of food. Yet he’s eating hamburgers! OMG. And some people are even praising this junk!!

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I love this show so freaking much. I think the writer’s mind should be studied cause how can someone come up with this stuff.
My favorite part was the original Reggie coming back and them making fun of it.
And also it was a nice gesture somehow bringing back Fred.

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