I don't think that I could've cried any more than I did. This episode was beautiful and heartbreaking. The emotions were so real, you could tell. Sad to see Fred (and Luke) go.

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this really was way better than what i was expecting to come out of riverdale -and what this show deserves.

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After how repetitive and nonsense the show became I said I was stopping watching it. I gave this episode a try just to see hot it was going to be after the last season ending.

What a surprise season premiere episode!

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One of the calm and smooth season premires of Riverdale. This episode gives the story of Fred Andrews a closure and a great honour th the Late Luke Perry. R.I.P Luke Perry

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Rest in Piece Luke Perry <3

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I rarely can take Riverdale serious with how over the top ridiculous it tend to be, but I have nothing bad to say about this episode. They honored Luke Perry and his character well. It was sad, especially the ending clip with Archie got to me. Can’t have been easy for the cast to do it either, so props to them.

As someone who grew up watching Beverly Hills reruns religiously, I love that Shannen Doherty made an appearance in this episode too. I had hoped for more knowing she was going to be in it, like her character would have some kind of connection to Fred, but I still liked it and it was nice to see her in this.

R.I.P., Luke Perry.

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Cryed my eyes out, what an amazing and beautiful episode. R.I.P. Luke Perry, you will be missed.

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The show is usually silly with annoying vain characters. But this one is just painful to watch. Because it’s a moving and sad tribute about Archie losing his father.
Which in a way is also a moving and sad tribute to the late Luke Perry who played the father.

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Finally! Good television is back!

This was so saddd :crying_cat_face:

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Great sweet episode. Nice touch with Brenda.

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An emotional episode to pay tribute to the great actor that is Luke Perry, may he rest in peace and may God have mercy on his soul.

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I love so muchI liked it when they paid tribute to Luke Perry to remind him of how good it was and the great things he did

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Probably the best episode of the whole show, for the sole reason that it actually cares about what it's doing. Serious subject matter taken seriously. Not the same self-seriousness and pretentiousness that usually haunts this show, but actual seriousness. There's genuine emotion here, and it's on display in the filmmaking. Reservation in the writing, music, and visuals. Slow pacing. All the gaudy stylistic flourishes and ridiculous plot turns are dropped in favor of a simple look and a simple character examination. The actors all deliver their best performances, especially KJ Apa, his performance is slow and emotional and reactive and vulnerable rather than his usual overly dramatic cool-guy shithead act. He really sells the heartbreak of it all. It has its moments of CW-ness, like the weird dream sequence or the confrontation scene, but they don't detract too much from the seriousness. The latter honestly feels like it would work decently if the episode was like 30 minutes longer and the tonal and emotional changes required for that scene would have time to develop naturally.

I hate this show, I hate it a lot, but this episode was nicely done for the most part.

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Must.. not... cry... must... not... cry...

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Damn that was sad to watch, knowing that he is really gone.

It was really nice that they had Shannen Doherty there for a special cameo appearance. It was also great what Cheryl supposedly did, arranging for all of the town to be there to welcome Fred home! I loved what Jughead said when he was supposedly writing Fed's Eulogy as well as showing a few clips of home in the episode and slow fade out of his picture in the toolbox. But most of all, I loved, loved, loved, the fact that they didn't just quickly write Luke Perry out, and instead dedicated the first and ENTIRE episode to him! The absolute best episode of all of the Riverdale series.

Rest In Peace Luke Perry

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I just couldn't stop crying, it was such a beautiful episode for Luke and so well done.

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Bawling my eyes out. Rip luke Perry:heart:

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I didn't think they had it in them. Possibly only slightly over melodramatic, the emotional send off to Fred Andrews was very well done. I didn't even watch BH 90210 and I still felt the sadness as each character gave their mini sermon to Fred (Luke). The tie-in with Shannon Doherty was also a nice touch. Let's see what they do with this. What Archie does with it. He said he would be a better man every day.

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Shout by JasperKazai

This was the most normal episode of Riverdale. Imagine that.
Except for the fact that they were able to get a hearse at a moment's notice, and how Archie drove his father's body literally home instead of to a funeral home. Those bits were dumb. But, for Riverdale standards, this was normal as fuck overall.

I'm sure it's about to devolve into more batshittery. There's already glimpses of it with Cheryl and Jason's corpse...

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This was perfect and redeemed the show from the absolute shit that was season 3. I loved seeing Riverdale tackle a sad and sombre topic of a characters death made even more poignant knowing that the actor has also passed. It was also nice that they had a special cameo appearance from Shannen Doherty, one of Luke Perry's other co stars.

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