This show is so freaking extra.

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This episode was way too rushed. They should have made the previous episode, 2x21, the season finale instead. I hope the showrunners does a better job at planning the next season.

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So Jughead lives. Go figure. And with Betty draped all over him in the hospital, he can't even have any major bruises or broken ribs so soon after the "beating." And by the end of the episode, he doesn't even have any bruising on his torso at all. And Fangs is alive, too. This show is...not good anymore. Perhaps the biggest mistake was in expanding it from a 13-episode first season to a 22-episode second season, but this one got lost time and time again this year and never, ever found its way back to its first season glory. Too much padding. Too little focus. And that lame cliffhanger at the end of this one wasn't nearly enough to guarantee that I'd be back for more. By comparison, as soon as I'd watched the first season finale, I was already impatient for more.

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HOLY LORD, I loved the season finale! It was amazing. I can't wait for the 3rd season.

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  • Who exactly is expecting Betty, a 16 year-old, to be a "great detective?" No one has said ever that, and it would be stupid to think so.
  • Why is Cheryl now allowed into the Serpents? Why does she get a special red jacket?
  • Why is everyone ok with allowing Jughead to now unilaterally run the gang? He's 16.
  • Why is FP ok with leaving his son in charge? Other than Skeet Ulrich being like get me the fuck off this show.
  • Why did this gang war end with zero deaths or actual casualties? What kind of gang war is that? Stupid.
  • Why would student elections be held concurrently with an actual mayoral election? That makes no sense.
  • Can a 16 year-old even legally buy property? Doesn't seem like something that would be allowed, regardless of how much money Veronica happens to have.

All in all, this was a wet fart ending to a very uneven season. It's too long. The show was better served by S1's shorter length. But I know all of the seasons going forward are also this length.

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This show is soo bad I like it and enjoy it lol. Just one of those to spend the time when I don't have what to watch. The usual cliche yawns attractive teenage people that look and act like adults, save the day, crimes, DONT STUDY (ok this cliche is the absolute worse I hate it...), Get to point A to point B in 2 minutes, are in fights or dangerous situations and nothing bad happens, not a broken wrist rib, anything (lol at the fight of Jughead) and two days after they are juust fine and with a hint of bruises.

Sadly I think the cliche keeps working so it seems... The actual storyline that I liked was Cheryl. Well I think this show can be catalogues as a guilty pleasure of mind. Probable watch the third season when it comes out in Netflix.

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I’m getting Moses vibes from the Serpent’s Exodus. I love all of the parallels and bible moments/lines/allegories in this show!

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