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Ms. Marvel: Season 1

1x03 Destined

Brown Jovi…hahahaha. Livin On A Prayer, perfect song. And so Jersey. Love it.

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For an explanation of her powers, it's like the writers were trying to figure out how to get as close to the Inhumans as possible without it actually being Inhumans.

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This show has so much heart! You have to be predisposed to hating anything that isn't classic Marvel to not enjoy this. Moon Knight was breathtakingly beautiful and way out there story-wise, but I didn't latch onto it the way I've taken to Ms. Marvel.

This is how you take characters and stories that are new to the Marvel pantheon and get people who grew up with the Silver Age heroes and more traditional storytelling to care about them as much as Captain America or Iron Man. This is the kind if energy the entire MCU needs going forward.

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better. we're moving away from the high-school drama i don't care about and into the mystical aspects that intrigue me

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Really nice third episode. Got important answers and information for Kamala's powers, the plot moved forward by establishing who the villains are, and the first major action scene was done pretty well and felt fresh. Also had some good character moments for Bruno and the cultural elements and style continue to pop off the screen. My favorite episode of the series so far.

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The introduction of the Clandestines feels a bit sudden and poorly explained but other then that still absolutely loving the show, that dance sequence was great

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continuing the family love and immigrant story... just loving this so far... wish the origin story was related to the eternals somehow (giving that movie some meaning)

PS also hate people that don't take off their shoes when entering someone else's abode

PPS cool cameo from Sana Amanat!

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to good a bad guys in a second kkkkkk that was fast...

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haha brown jovi, very clever

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Should all shows have dance numbers? Yes they should.

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I loved the Livin‘ on a Prayer fight scene. Overall a solid episode but a small step down from last week in my opinion.

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Tell me she has Mutant genes without actually telling me she has Mutant genes.

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That was a lot of song and dance to avoid saying Inhuman. Shame she only had half the episode to think they were trustworthy too. All seemed to move very fast but I suppose we just hit the mid season mark.

I really like Kamala but sometimes her dialogue and delivery come off exactly like Kate Bishop in Hawkeye. Which is a shame coz she should have her own quirks not someone else's.

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This is really making me wish they went the Inhuman way

I still don't know why they didn't, considering inhumans are canon in the MCU already

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You don't need to fist fight a jinn . Just Falaq and Nas them they be flyin

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Kinda not a fan of the emerging villain plot this ep, but everything about Kamala learning her superhero way and her immediate circle of family/friends is still great.

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I'm sure they will connect somehow to a inhuman origin but not using the inhuman name

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Shout by Silrog

I actually considered the setting and characters entertaining and decent enough. But the conflict with Damage Control first and now the Clandestine escalate too fast with too little reason.

They should have given the characters more time to grow and the plot more time too develop. Instead we got another example of a series failing in pacing.

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We are liking it more than we expected because of the tone it has

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Shout by J_345

Really enjoyed how they talked to the agents :clap_tone3:

I only just realized after hearing the guy read the story of the Jin’s that when someone gets power they always show the person trusting the very first person that knows they have it. They never thought they could be bad people or bad group. Hoping the Jin’s aren’t bad but I’ve yet to see a good Jin so.

Yup i was write the Jin is bad and want to use her for selfish reasons

“Absolutely not” :joy:

How did she disappear from in between the broken table cloth? :man_facepalming_tone3:

Man this show is so good, i did not expect the fighting scenes to be so Good. Great chronography

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Best episode by far of the season. Which
is not a high bar to jump, but still
I really can't stand that mother, every scene she's in she drags the who atmosphere and the show down. She always looks like she’s sucking a lemon after finding out someone's shit in her bed.
Highlight of the episode
livin on a prayer.
Shocker their bad, never saw that coming.
Djinns you say, sounds like
a job for the Boys.
I'll call
Dean and Sam.

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It gets worse. It's kind of hideous cultural appropriation here, taking all sorts of sacred concepts and making them into bog standard Marvel rubbish. Now I know how the Shang Chi critics felt.

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Seemed like a missed opportunity that Kamala didn't think of reciting surahs to get away from the djinns. That's what you're taught first in a Muslim household against fighting djinns.

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Less cool than other episodes but still holding my attention

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