Did this final become power rangers or what? Weak final imo.

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it wasn't a great finale to be honest, some moments were cringe worthy and felt too rushed, I guess that's normal for a show with only 6 episodes, still I'd love a season 2 but hopefully with something more

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This one was sooo good
a great final episode for this season

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Walking away from this series, all I can think is "Marvel has some very big budgets to tell some very mediocre stories"

Was so close to being pretty good, but then... This.

No, Disney, I'm not interested in just having a cliffhanger prepping me for a second season. So utterly dull.

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this might be the first Marvel Disney+ show that I don't see myself watching again.

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Rather disappointed but not surprised on this rushed finale. Loved the last episode so much and this episode was a typical marvel CGI battle. Seems like the weren’t brave enough to keep going with what the introduced last episode in my opinion. The episode was fine but nothing special.

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The potential the series had in the first episode was completely squandered. Laughable that they thought showing us Lockley at the end would save us.

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Hm. First Marvel-show where I am pretty unimpressed. I don't see how this is connected to anything else going on in the MCU, and MK and the egyptian pantheon isn't really strong enough to stand on their own at this point, I feel. And yet another show/movie that completely ignores the huge baby celestial poking out of the planet..

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A closing in style with the expected confrontation between the protagonists of the series, the arrival of a second season is necessary.

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Another shit marvel series, like expected. Legion is still by far the best marvel TV show out there. Too bad the general public wont watch that brilliant show.

Marvel, stop making everything so … bland and one dimensional (insert multiverse joke here), your audience is smarter than you give them credit for.

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Good acting, good fight sequences, BUT writing? scenario?
I mean it was going somewhere for sure, bu then it didnt...
And one last awful thing, no connection or any effect on mcu

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I regret watching this show. Imo the story is nonsensical in a very bad way, Good visuals good main actor everything else just no....

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such a bad show, I hope for good riddance! I suffered episodes for closure.

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But she is an Egyptian superhero guys!

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The blackout at the crucial time of the fight took the air out of an already deflated balloon. I was never really into this show but calling this a disappointment is an understatement.

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Jake Lockley is a killer! :clap::clap::clap:. Really enjoyed this episode and series but I wished they didn't rush the series and storytelling. Hopefully we get more moon knight going forward.

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The ending (pre-credits) felt super rushed. Blacking out and skipping ahead during what is supposed to be the climactic final battle is an absolutely awful decision. Marvel shows/movies already have problems with lack of tension, and skipping to the end of a big battle is practically a punchline in favor of that criticism.

I don't really have any issues with the post-credits scene, other than that they neutered the final battle in order to have the post-credits scene be the reveal it was. You know, guys... you're allowed to... reveal things outside of post-credit scenes. It's called "during the show (or movie) itself." Crazy, I know.
I think this is the first instance of Marvel's never-ending need to have post-credit scenes directly negatively affecting the content of the show/movie.

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They went and did it, and I'm in shock!!
Not only did Marc/Steven return from the dead, but Layla became the avatar of Taweret, and both Harrow and Ammit are finally dead!!

Absolutely brilliant fight scenes; the CGI was
incredible (particularly the Khonshu and Ammit moments)! The score accompanied everything perfectly yet again too!

Obviously Khonshu freeing Marc and Steven from being his avatar was another way for the god to manipulate them, but I'm excited to see them comes to terms with it. The end credit scene is what really did it for me though: the introduction of Khonshu's hidden avatar who ALSO shares a body with Marc and Steven: Jake Lockley!!

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They were really sprinting to that finale but overall it was solid. the self-cest reached absolute critical mass in this ep. There was a literal love confession and everything. I'm not complaining just commenting.

I will say I really appreciate how disconnected this is from the MCU. this was about some guy fucking shit up in Egypt without the tedium of crossover or even cringy forced references. I prefer it when stuff stands alone tbh.

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This was probably my least favourite episode of the season.

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silly. nothing seems real, like in those cheap fantasy/adventure movies. oscar isaac, ethan hawke and may calamawy deserved better. they would make a great MCU movie, but sadly, disney plus happened.

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Another Marvel production, another pander to the hardcore. Who did Layla become? Who was her father you alluded to? You're asking me to read fandom pages and wiki articles to find out again, aren't you Marvel? You're not going to use your runtime to do something as trivial as introduce the Scarlet Scarab properly, oh no. You'd prefer I trawl Reddit posts and fan pages to get that information rather than explain it yourself. I'm getting real tired of this method of story telling and character introduction.

All in all, the show as an introduction to Moon Knight/Marc/Steven/Jake was solid, but the only episode I felt surpassed "good" was Episode 5. Just fine, as seems to be the way with most of these TV show character entries. Just be prepared to start reading IGN Explained articles and comicbook.com op eds to find out who everyone is.

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Shout by elyonholic
BlockedParent2022-05-05T18:58:41Z— updated 2022-12-17T19:00:01Z

is that how much of jake lockley we got to see all season??
a blackout where we never see Jake basically owns harrow (what's wrong with you MCU?)
and then the final scene

everything was rushed but I went with it because I just wanted Marc and Steven to be back together
just like I thought this episode will NEVER top episode 5 to me

they better give us a second season soon

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The end credit with Jake lockely is mind bending confusing , and thriller too.....love this episode that how it ends and Layla transformation as taweret is op...

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So the supposedly only season of moon knight is a teaser ? For what exactly? Over the last several years Amazon, Disney and Netflix perfected the formula of dragging seasons with 10 minutes to be excited about as the very end as cliffhanger. But this is even less excitement.

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Weak episode and ending. Felt very rushed.

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Shout by leean

i thought i'd never see jake in the finale

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Oh, hell ya! That was like a spirit from, "The Godfather," right?

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Shout by Erebos

Well done, Di$ney, you managed to glorify mental illness in an even worse way than Legion ever did.

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What a piece of shit

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Not the ending I initially hoped for but a big improvement from the last episode.

It's still quite confusing, especially that mid end credits scene!

It's kinda cool but the MCU is getting out of hand (this probably isn't even part of the MCU). It's nice on it's own but I wish it could take place in the MCU without "breaking" it even more.

Tbh the story of this movie is somewhat meaningless given that the gods are probably powerful enough to change it and that those psychic scenes make one questions what's even real / going on (IRL we face the same problem but in this case we cannot really ignore it).

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This series started off kind of interesting but quickly lost it and this ending is just a confusing mess with a very unsatisfying conclusion. You can't just skip the big climactic action sequence. In the beginning it was kinda cute but this was ridiculous.

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Oh my goshhhh that ending was so good like what the fuck. There’s another one of them. I wonder how many there are. It’s so cool. But yeah this one was really interesting and fun.

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Season finale. Leaving out episode 5, it hasn't told me much about the series. So far this is my least favorite

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Poor Steven Grant.
What ending .:exploding_head:

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The end credits are very long. It started off very good but then the show got less good later. I still enjoyed it however.

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At least the ending was cool. The rest of this show was mostly psychedelic crap.

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Shout by 020202

the night skies & night scenes in this show are stunning,
Layla's costume is AMAZING, that reveal was so good
that shot were moonknight and harrow are running down the pyramid towards each other, as the camera rotates, & the full moon showing behind them, beautiful beautiful shot
& what i also really liked was that teamwork fight scene in the streets of cairo

the ending left me with some questions tho

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It was fun. A nice change from all the others. I see a season 2 would make more sense then doing a movie. As for it just being 6 episodes, I suppose Moon Knight isn't as big as the other marvel guys. She-Hulk has 9 but she is connected to the Hulk quite a lot and Hulk's in her TV show. The closest avenger connected to moon knight mite be Thor and that's very little lol. Bring on She-Hulk.

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Shout by Deleted

Another MCU project just kind of ends. The ride was fun though, so we’ll all get back in line.

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all over the place but in the absolute best way

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this was a great ending!

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Hmmm. Dark-haired female super-hero with golden winged battle armor? Yup. Marvel even does Wonder Woman 1984 better than D.C.

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All over the place and very rushed! They could of easily done one or two extra episodes to flesh out the story. That being said the action was good and the CGI was even better. Liked the egyptian god mythology stuff I hope they expand more on that in the future... whenever that will be.

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In my opinion, the ending was too rushed! If only this show has 8 episodes to end the story in a proper and slowed way . Please tell us there will be another season!

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Glad to see i'm not the only one who thought it was a meh finale. The build up was great tho, i liked most of the previous episodes (even ep1, which usually are the slowest), but the finale felt rushed and compact. The "main battle" was like 2 min tops, and the actual fight we "didn't see it" due to the mystery persona (which we could see at the post-credits scene). The giant gods fighting in the back was cool, but also, weird. My mind goes to the MCU population that went from watching a billionare flying in a metal suit or watching a war hero come back to life, to half population dissapearing in thin air, to a literal giant hand and head emerging from the sea; to a night sky "time travel" and now two giants gods fighting next to the pyramids (which if you don't know, are reeeeeeeally close to the city). I guess they could have done a better job for this episode. The episode gets like a 5, but the overall series is a good 7; specially if you don't know the character, is a good way to introduce him

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Enjoyed what was a rushed series, slow to start and get up to speed then rush to the finish. Shame it felt more like 100 metre dash than a short series hope there is more to come or crossovers into a main movie soon!?!

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Better than Doctor Strange 2, I'll take it.

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