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Love, Victor

Season 3

This final season was so boring and the worst of all seasons. Just about hooking up, breaking up, yadayadayada. Everything happened so fast - no tension building, no character building, nothing. I know it's supposed to be a cheesy feel good series, but it's just too much garbage.

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Overall better than season 2. Not my favorite show in the universe, but, the dialogue is a huge step up from last season. Again, the drama wasn’t as good, but overall I loved all the bits of backstory we got for each character, and the storytelling felt way better. Still not super good, nowhere remotely near the level of the first season, but still overall something I could enjoy… some of the time. Overall, I’d say this season is not super memorable. It was fine. 4 stars.

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sigh I know this show wasn't designed to be an award winning drama, but even for its intended purpose it falls flat. The acting is all around pretty decent, the cinematography is good, and the plot, though sometimes a miss, is decent. The writing just can't move past bad writing, no matter how good everything else is. So many moments are terribly awkward, and not in a "this is a corny teen sitcom" way. In a "this writing is so bad, no real teenager would say these things" way.

Although, it's a fun watch all around from season 1 through 3. The chemistry and acting between Armando and Isabel throughout the entire show is a notable highlight. As well as the actor who played Rahim. I was secretly rooting for team victor + rahim, for the chaos, but ending with Benji wrapped it up nicely and was the right choice.

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