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Loki: Season 2

2x06 Glorious Purpose

Wow, Loki really nailed it! The power of strong character development is on full display here, proving that a great story doesn't need a villain or cliffhanger.

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Visually this finale is the most stunning thing in the entire mcu. And as much as I hate the idea of Loki being alone I think this is a perfect ending that beautifully completes his character journey.

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That might’ve been one of the best pieces of storytelling the MCU has ever told. The allegory on determinism weaved in with the ought/is argument within the frame of individual wants and purpose-driven choice… As a season the first as a whole is still better, but this isn’t just the best episode of the series - but up there with the best moments of TV in recent memory.

Not to mention the implications for what this poses on the future Kang arcs and Renslayer’s future as a seemingly(? vaguely left to interpretation) foil of larger importance. Watching the relatively well done caricature that was Loki upon initial introduction into deeply multilayered literal time god/jailer (again beautifully vague) of the multiverse over a decade later was so well written. I think I’m even still absorbing some of what I just saw.

Balancing comedy, brevity and existentialism - all while maintaining impeccable pace. 10/10, hats off to everyone involved.

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Great episode, but I’m so freaking confused.

Did Loki create Yggdrasil?

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That Loki will end like this seems perfect to me as an ending. But I feel like there are still things to resolve. I hope with future series and movies they give more context and information to everything we saw and in what it will have an impact on the plot.

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this season only need the first and the final 2 eps, the other 3 served for anything

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So Loki becomes
The God Of Stories.
I must say the vfx were
off the charts amazing
To be fair some of the best
I've seen in any D+ show.
Still didn't have a clue
what was going on
and none of it made any
sense including Loki's
2.0 upgrade to
God Mode but it was
all very beautiful.
The cinematography was
amazing and that 3rd
act did get very emotional.
Where does that leave
Loki now, what about
Kang and his future in
The MCU (Mr Majors)
What about
The rest of
The Multiverse Saga
And most importantly where
does that leave us for
Avengers 5 and 6
for our Saga Cappers.

"I Guess Time Will Tell"

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Wow, a Marvel story with an actual ending, been time. As much as I dislike a lot of this season (but found it better than the first), this is the first time I actually felt that this have that comic book spirit.

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Loki is hands down the most selfless character from the entire MCU. His character development was out of this world. The finale was perfectly executed, even though he deserved to have his own happy ending, in my eyes.

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The emotional beats would work better if all the timeline mumbo-jumbo were easier to understand, imo. It's a drag to the show when characters start explaining what happened or will happen if this did that.

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Figures that for MCU series having trouble sticking the landing, Loki is the one to do it twice, and this time outdo its own Season 1's ending, tying back to that episode and then even further in vintage Benson & Moorehead headtrip style, plus a rare heartfelt, coherent character writing that gives the twistiness meaning. If nothing else, the show's pleasing tangible special effect and production design easily surpasses the eyesore of almost all of post-Endgame MCU projects, which is necessary for the stakes and especially the final image to hit with the appropriate weight.

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WOW THAT WAS GOOD, they could have not done that in the comics, amazing, i love the greenery

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That’s Marvel? That’s what Marvel is supposed to be

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Loki is the most well-developed character in the MCU. This ending was truly worthy of the character!:green_heart:

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The best growth of any character in the entire story, period. Amazing. As sad as it is he was destined to be alone, he always did have glorious purpose.

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I’ll say it again, the growth of Loki throughout this series has been absolutely phenomenal. To go from a selfish villain to a selfless hero has been an epic journey. This is MARVEL in all its glory!

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10/10. Peak. This might be one of the best comic book TV finales or even episodes ever. Maybe this is recency bias but I don’t really care, this straight up floored me. Incredible.

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I wanted a post-credits scene. Seems more final w/o one.

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So, he just turned himself into a human Loom ?

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Can I kill Sylvie so we can get Loki back? I mean like her but not as much as Loki!

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Centuries later :joy: made me laugh

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What an epic finish. It was a glorious purpose after all.

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Shout by Mystech
BlockedParent2023-11-10T21:21:29Z— updated 2023-12-23T15:06:12Z

Be careful of claiming you are burdened with glorious purpose... You just may end up being so. What a great character arc. Series stands so far above much of the rest of the drek Marvel/Disney is churning out.

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Finally, a show that has a coherent beginning and ending aligned with its initial message. It's a relief not to have to wait for three years (and hope for one or two strikes) to witness a story that starts and concludes sensibly, with character evolution consistent with the storyline. Loki (despite a few minor flaws) is a small masterpiece in the vast arid desert that the last two phases of the MCU have been.

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One day I'll come back to this show and I'll understand it all but as it is now, I didn't care about the characters and found it very confusing to follow. Some fun scenes though.

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This season was Meh. you don't actually get to care about anyone as everyone in the multiverse is constantly dying and coming back to life

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Not just the best episode of the series, but one of the best episodes of television I've seen, period.

You think Marvel is over? You haven't been paying attention to the literature, son!

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Without a doubt one of the best thing Marvel's ever created, This is what Marvel should be.
Loki's Character Development is supreme.

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Glorious purpose, Loki is saving the current MCU, literally. Probably the best thing to come out from Marvel in a long time.

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Great season! I understood NOTHING from beginning to end. It’s about time Hollywood leaves the sacred temporal line (the one and only) alone.

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We were in the midst of the creation of Yggdrasyl! Loki roots Uggdrasyl and becomes time itself! The tree of life! And so selfless he was he saved everyone! Nörse mythology at its finest. That is Feige! Thanks Hiddleston! Thanks Disney for giving us the best the MCU has ever created. Nothing compared to this!

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GLORIOUS PURPOSE?? It feels like they’re breaking the rules by having a second episode with this title. It feels so perfect. First episode and last episode of the show. Breaking all the rules just like Loki throughout this series. Wonderful wonderful finale. I think I’ll sit here and let time pass.

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He went full Bolvar Fordragon! Never go full Bolvar. :snowflake::skull::crown:

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this was certainly one of the best marvel production endings. but, for me, it doesn't quite redeem a weak season like this one. ok, prettier than anything from marvel, but with such a poorly written narrative. this show in the hands of people who know how to make tv shows and not extended films would be so much better. the pacing was never right and the text was never good.

but i'm sad that mobius lost his boyfriend :( owen wilson the gold of this series.

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The Slyvie boss fight part was very Soulslike

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Honestly I think that this second season was really boring...
In the last 6/7 years it seems that you can't create a plot without talking about time travels and multiverse, nothing else is considered to develop a story.
This way you can make it happen everything and one second after delete and erase all... no consequences, no endings... all happens without something that really happens.
I hope that this trend will chance soon.

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I feared the writers had made Loki have some idea of sacrificing himself for the good of all. I didn’t like that. An all to abrahamic trope, that has died with the last age.
Him walking to the branches and… killing them, effectively, as a god of chaos and destruction however… ahhh… yes. We must destroy in order to create.
So… he will be he who remains, king of all time? And the time line’s effectively turning into Yggdrasil? Oh, my gods. Yes. I liked that. It’s still a self-sacrifice, but somehow more palatable. I’m definitely ambivalent about this end though. Might file it under “love-hate”.

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Outside of Loki himself, low key this show was ass

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Good show. They can still do more Loki if they want and they're doing a season 2 of What-if. There's plenty of other Loki's out there.

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Spectacular ending to this season! Still not quite sure where this leaves Loki? Maybe one more season to see where it leads us. :thumbsup_tone1: :thinking:

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While the season seemed to be going well, everything suddenly went back to square one in the finale. Also, I don't understand why Loki is not affected by temporal radiation and can turn himself into loom. As a result, nothing universally changed between season 1 and season 2. Then they destroyed Loki. A meaningless season.

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Whatever pacing issues I was having in the first half of the season, holy crap did they make up for it in the second half, as this may now be my favorite climax of any MCU project. Loki running so very far to find his purpose. The Groundhogs Day shenanigans. The conflicts with Kang and Sylvia. And seriously, Loki's ascension and the birth of the new Yggdrasil is just so stunning and haunting, and have me so recharged to see where the franchise goes from here. I loved this.

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Season finale that I hope will be the final series in a big way. I liked season 1 better

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Well, that felt like a series finale.

Loki's new costume looks great. 

It was a solid season, packed with a lot of great characters. If this is Tom Hiddleston's last time playing Loki, I think it was a perfect ending.

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Wow!!!! okay this was a ride to say the least but marvel would probably ruin it on the next project he is in :grimacing:.

They can just have rounded character arcs :skull:. Someone needs to tell them not everything has to be open for overreaching arc; this is why Loki show works.

I just know the moment we see another MCU character pops up around Loki it's gonna all for nothing :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:.

But damn!!!!! All I kept thinking was, “This is the Loki we used to know?”

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Incredible climactic storytelling on this one and dare i say, not only the best mcu episode but the best mcu storytelling, movies and shows including, imo. cant believe this exists. its so rich with poetry. i am lovin it.

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What was the point of season 2? He Who Remains in this episode actually adding to the plot/mcu is the only highlight of the whole season.

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This season was below average according to me.

There was no proper explanation for most of the things. Things happened and powers were gained because Deus Ex Machina.

Main point of Season 2 was branches have people with life's, we shouldn't kill them. Throughout the season, people on the branches were killed and resurrected nonstop.

In the end, Loki's decision, we can't save the Loom from exploding - So let's stop He Who Remains from dying, so that atleast the Sacred Timeline survives, other timelines be damned. Like it's defeating the entire premise of the show.

Loki became God of Stories without the name drop. How he got the power to save multiverse - nobody knows. No explanation. No setup, nothing

Bahut gandha story tha.

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How's Loki gonna eat tho?:neutral_face::expressionless:
I dont want my lord to go hungry.

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  1. Why it took him a full season to do it?
  2. What did he actually do? Just hold the branches in place? Wasn't the problem the infinite scale ?
  3. So Mobius goal in life is just want to stare at his variant life? Too confused :)
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So Marvel is finally back? Nah shouldn't get used to this. But Loki (especially Se2), brings back the memories from a time when Marvel produced peak Movies.

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Trust him he's a good witch :D

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The way marvel has been doing lately, it's so nice to see something be actually glorious. What an ending. Imo one of the best character arcs in marvel. Sometimes you don't need huge fights or long cheesy dialogues and this ending proved it. Beautiful CG set-pieces followed with a great Tom Hiddlestion performance filled with poignancy and meaning to the brim. That's storytelling

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Shout out to Loki for being the first ever Disney+ marvel show to end on a fucking high note. Jesus Christ the start to this season was janky as hell. But episodes 5 & 6 really pulled it together for a deeply emotionally resonant and fucking beautiful ending. I'm still processing and I may just rewatch the entire episode again but Jesus I have nothing more to say other than this was just beautiful.

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So how does it work in the Marvel universe, he's going to seat on this throne forever? Seems pretty boring. Good thing that Gods probably can't develop hemorrhoids from too much seating.
Otherwise, great tv show, not comparable with all that garbage Marvel producing nowadays.
I liked many characters, but Jonathan Majors was definitely the star for me here. I only saw him in Creed before, he's a great actor indeed.

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What a turnaround!
From a self-centered, narcissistic, sociopath to someone who spent centuries learning things to be able to achieve his glorious purpose. Not to mention the sacrifices he made to get there and will continue to make until he stays as Yggdrasil.
This is how a character arc should be. Where the first season felt quite a letdown in terms of his character development, this one finally shows why Loki is the likable character he is.

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You either die a villain, or you live long enough to become a hero. Glorious purpose, indeed.

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Sweet ending. I don't like sweet endings, but not with this one.

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Watched this episode: Faith in the MCU completely restored :heart_eyes:
Watched The Marvels: Faith in the MCU lost again :sob:

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There aren't enough good things I can say about this show. What a phenomenal ending, everyone was brilliant but special props to Mr. Tom Hiddleston for knocking it out of the park, you sir, are a LEGEND.

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Loved this season and Loki's character development since Thor 1.

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I am not going to say I was disappointed and hand this a 2 like a lot of people on here would. Not sure how I feel about this being the last time we will see Loki though. Since there’s apparently no plans for a season 3.

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all hail Loki, the God of Time!

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This is truly the best thing marvel has produced post end game and one of the best thing the MCU has created, period.

I love marvel unapologetically and even i can say this is more than the superhero genre, this is full on sci-fi and its up there with some of t best.

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This was a fantastic episode overall.
It deserves this episode as series finale. I mean there is not much to go on or tell after this season.

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Ok, I must admit that they pulled it off in the end. One Loki’s glorious purpose is met. Nevertheless, I must say the journey was painful. Part of the blame lies with the context in which this has been released. As an example, Wandavision took advantage of peak-Marvel to extract fan patience while Loki S2 does not have that luxury.

Marvel is tottering and there isn’t any patience for even tiny missteps. Such a pity, because, in the context of peak Marvel, Loki S2 would be peak.

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What's up with the renslayer scene though? Seems in a TVA-disused far future, and purple light was previously associated with he who remains. Back-up-back-up plan of his?
Nice come back to nordic mythology with yggdrasil, literally holding worlds/timelines together.

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Possibly the best final episode of any MCU show until now. This might even be the best they’ve done in all of Phase 5 so far.

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So sad about Jonathan Majors, he was truly a great actor

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