That bathroom scene was great. All theatrical and sexy, and then… realistic and awkward hahah.

So things are trying to get us back to thinking Carolyn is (in) the 12. In that case, why hire Eve in the first place? To see what she’s got and possibly recruit her if she turns out to be pliable enough?

That deadpan lifestyle amazes me. “Oh you tried to kill me? Ugh oh well. Just another Wednesday.”

So I think eve may have an addiction. To powerful, ruthless, murderous women.

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I hope we get more scenes with Villanelle and Carolyn. That was fun.

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they're just spinning their wheels at this point, even the air guitar scene just felt like the writers' room going hey let's get Fiona Shaw to do air guitar! the fans'll love that! for absolutely no reason other than to get Fiona Shaw to play air guitar. absolutely pointless season

Sandra Oh doing the best she can with weakass material, only she is escaping this season with her dignity intact

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Where is this show going? This is a weak season.

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Kim Bodnia has one of the very best laughs on TV right now.

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It's such a shame what has happened to this show. The first two seasons were fantastic, but it's been downhill ever since. This season isn't good at all.

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Carolyn and Villanelle are a great duo. So much fun watching these two interact. I would watch an entire season of just them on a mini adventure.

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I feel like they're trying to lean into the whacky moment loving fan base sometimes but it's so hollow and meaningless. And yikes the Eve x Helene stuff was weird. I could see they were trying to do with the bait and switch bath scene but it really was clunky and awful with no finesse (much like the show in general now). Then that kiss? Yikes. Between that and the bus kiss, maybe Sandra Oh just shouldn't be kissing women.

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Well, that was pointless. I thought we were going to see Villanelle in prison in a Hannibal Lecter-esque role.

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What a weird episode. That last scene was great though.

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The first two thirds were boring, only from the last third on it became interesting.

But both the scene with the ride at the fair and the air guitar were annoying and superfluous stopgaps.
Hopefully they had more fun filming the scene than the audience watching it.

Translated with DeepL (

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Shout by Deleted

My bar for entertainment with this show is so performance based that the impenetrable “mythology” of Carolyn and the 12 and Helene is secondary to moments like how hard it is to be comfortable in the bathtub with another person. All characters have long since broken bad, so here’s hoping for a few more good ones on the way out.

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