So, of course, Simone won't marry... surprise.

Otherwise pretty forgettable episode.

I just don't understand those DNR orders. I do understand them when there's near certainty that someone would not make it that you don't prolong life. But in a case such as this where a broken rib collapsed a lung which lead to hemothorax which is pretty easily resolved? A collapsed lung isn't a death sentence, not even in a 81 year old.

I mean, imagine a case where someone develops a heart arrythmia which is easily resolved by a defibrillator shock... should I not use the defibrillator just because technically it's a means to bring someone back to life? But it's also a common treatment... so if someone has a DNR that prevents life saving methods, I'm not even allowed to shock an arrythmic heart beat back into sinus? I understand and share the fear of ending up on machines with no means to make myself heard, to prolong suffering etc. But there has to be some difference between prolonging life needlessly and treatment that resolves an potentially life-ending situation.

Uhoh... Meredith and Alzheimer's. Has she gone round the bend?

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So, now that these 2 are together...can we make them a happy couple without all the relationship dramas? no? okay.

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what a string of utter clichéd scenes and storyline tropes this was. Soap opera trashy.

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Shout by Megan

Totally choked when GILLES MARINI showed up at Meredith’s door but that’s about all the genuine reaction this episode got from me.

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