I know a lot of people have given up on the show but I actually like the new direction it's going in. It's great to see Meredith really teaching.

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So.. My Calzona feelings are hurt right now.
I love to see Callie happy, but I don't like to see her saying all that stuff in front of Arizona.
Come on!!! We know you guys were happy together, so stop that.
I'm still processing everything.
If they won't be together anymore the fair thing should be both of them happy, not just one and the other being all jealous and sad.
Amelia & Owen are cute, but they need to talk to avoid the drama in the future.
Chief Bailey, you're awesome but you need to know that you're team is the best and without them things are gonna be hard for you.
Meredith Grey Chief of General Surgery!! What a wonderful thing!! She deserved it!!
OMG!! The new intern have a crush on Jo!! So funny.
Japril, don't be like Calzona & Merder you need to communicate more!!

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Japril <3 .....are my favourite now....

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I really don‘t feel like Bailey is the right one for this job.

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Shout by Si_Crazy

This episode sucked!! Seriously, it was full of characters either being annoying or stupid.
April had improved in the past seasons, but now is back full force being unbearable. She only did what she wanted without even taking into consideration Jackson's opinion (let's remember that he also lost a son), and now that she went and is back from her "adventure" she comes with this BS about fighting for them because she loves him so much... please!! I was kind of hoping she had a deadly disease just so I wouldn't have to hear her anymore.
Bailey was also annoying, even though it was for the development of her new job... nowhere near the amazing old Nazi.
Good things go to the soundtrack, Meredith yelling at Bailey and Webber mentoring her.

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