OMG!!! I loved it.
Calliope Torres you are a wonderful human being!!!
Arizona and DeLuca roommate?? That's gonna be interested.
Thanks god they bring funny Arizona back, I miss her.
Good job Maggie. That was awesome.
Chief Bailey!!! I like that... For now.
That was a great presentation.
The 3 sister, they're so funny.

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please stop hurting lesbians shonda

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Ok it's true. I really miss Derek, but I love This show and I like This new beginning. In This episode I had the sensation we were come back in Season One!

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Meredith, Amelia and Maggie living together (reminiscing the earlier seasons). Bailey as the new chief of surgery. Callie, Karev and Maggie fighting the homophobes. Why do I feel like this is my favourite season already?

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A beautiful and important storyline!

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Amazing soundtrack... and the story of the patients, handling the prejudice of being gay as well as the bullying (including more background on Pierce and Karev) was heartbreaking.

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Shout by Evelyn

It was all nice and cool, but something was missing. I guess having no Derek and no Cristina is really, really weird (even though he really pissed me off and the ending of his story felt rushed).
Also, you'd think she'd come for the funeral or participate from afar or something. So all of this is nice and warm and fuzzy, and I like Owen and Amelia together, but still something's missing for me.
I'd love to have more Alex before I'll lose him too.
Geez, this series are really masochistic stuff by now.
And yeah, the homophobia issue is getting kinda old, as well as religion bashing. Life isn't so black and white. I hope it'll get better.

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so, there is no other problems in the world right now except lesbians and gays?
all the important stuff already covered and we have nothing to handle right now but this. i think i will have to stop watching. this is too much.

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