Penny: I love you
Callie: Thank you...
That's it! You're not in the same place as Penny, Callie.
Don't lie to yourself.
And using Arizona to save your butt was so LOW!
Arizona has a right to be pissed.
I don't beleve in that "relationship". Callie just don't know how to be alone.
I LOVED that Sofia was there.
"New" Sofia is so adorable, I'm gonna miss the twins.
They where adorable too.
Mama Avery? WTF? Don't do something crazy!
My MerDer feelings.
Mer was so scared.
Take all the time you need.
Next week, MORE DRAMA.

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Catherine was outta line man.. Now I see why Avery be telling her all the time to stay outta his business/stop meddling. Wow. Anyways glad the sister chiefs (mer, mags, and Amelia) are back at it.

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Meredith does not worth waiting...

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Shout by Evelyn

I kind of feeling Catherine Avery here. There's a girl in her son's life who wasn't much reliable during their relationship (as hard as it was), who often doesn't care about his opinion and feels free to get up and leave when she feels like and blame him for not being up and ready when she comes back, and she withdrew an important information from him.
So now the biggest matriarch around wants to have the upper hand.

Yep, with a mother like this you're never really out of the nest, but that was pretty obvious.
She'll probably learn the error of her ways eventually (and Richard will be the one to give her the heated and enlightening speech, of course), but her decision here is not unreasonable.

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