So many things to think on this week and so many annoyances from men!
Felt so bad for Arizona :/ her heart was in the right place and she was just so so worried for April and the baby. Was nice to see her and Callie talk so easily though.
Jackson. Sigh. Jackson continues to be an inconsiderate self centred ass. April was totally justified in not telling him until after the divorce. He's the one that wanted it and as she said - why would she want him to stay if it was just for the kid? Ugh.
Pierce's boy toy needs to get his shit together. Don't push someone to out your relationship then flap about the ramifications.
Honesty Amelia needs someone steady and level headed with her and Owen clearly has waaaay too much baggage still. Leave him behind you, girl!
And Meredith. So nice to see that despite the back and forth she gave new guy a shot. He seems really sweet and sincere and it's lovely to see her smile and have fun again with someone :)

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This episode was AMAZING!!
So much drama!! The old good drama!!
Also some funny scenes.
My God, Arizona made another mistake, but she was trying to help, she's not the bad guy.
Callie, Mer & Bailey's bathroom scene was SO FUN!! I loved it!
April & Jackson... don't know what's gonna happen with this two.
They need more communication. (Learn from #Calzona's mistake)
I LOVE IT!!! They care so much for each other.
Maggie & DeLuca need to talk, you guys are good together.
Mer... are you really ready for this??

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Alex is a true friend and he really know Meredith. I love the contrast between tacts that both him and Maggie were trying to get Meredith to go out. I'm happy that she really decided to go for it, at least to talk in person with Thorpe, I see chemistry there.
Arizona really shouldn't have said anything, even if she had good intentions. I do like that she didn't go there just to gossip. But everybody is right, she made a mistake, so now she has to deal with the consequences.
Jackson is right to be pissed off that he was kept in the dark considering that April didn't make the baby by herself, he had a right to know. And it was clear that in the end she just was stalling so they wouldn't be able to even discuss terminating the pregnancy... She would be acting like a martyr.
Owen really needs to put his act together... crazy Owen is boring and annoying.

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The relationship between Jackson and April is so boring and ... Argh !

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Shout by Evelyn

I got angry at April at first, but actually they're both in the wrong here, it's like they're just clearly too young for any kind of family, because when you're in one you inevitably have to compromise and reign your temper (especially with baby on the way).

Owen's spiraling is what we used to with Cristina, too bad Amelia didn't stay with her bf from "Private Practice", he was definitely better for her mental health and sobriety.

Ok, so maybe Thorpe isn't a psycho, but just dreamy like that. I wonder how will he react to the fact she has 3 kids. I wonder if he isn't younger than her, this can be an interesting angle.

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