More space adventures! Not what I wanted or expected from a show called Foundation, but still a fun romp. Chew that scenery boys.

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There was an aspect ratio change early in the episode. Made it a lot wider.

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gotta love that a decapitated sex robot is fine but a gay man just appearing on screen has people frothing at the mouth.

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I liked how Hari wasn't leaving any footprints on the desert's sand while walking alongside Gaal. Nice attention to detail.
Also, wtf ending!

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This episode felt much, MUCH, more like a Disney episode.

It wasn't bad, but I'm really starting to miss the seriousness of the first season.

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Apparently the show doesn't want us to take it seriously anymore -- or at least no more seriously than we take Star Wars.

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I mildly enjoyed the first season, but my main problem with it is that the Trantor stuff with its more philosophical, harder sci-fi/politics is so vastly compelling than the more generically action-packed other stuff (which is why the pilot, with its one focus before splintering into the latter, still remains my favorite ep). This season has integrated the two sides better, with the latest third ep the best so far with two new varied character introductions and no lull in all storylines for once.

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Harry walking on the sand with no foot prints but he had a shadow. That didn’t make sense. If he’s a hologram that won’t leave a foot prints than how can it have a shadow.

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I liked the plot of Gaal and Salvor the best, it was quite exciting when they were chased by the mining machines, and earlier when Gaal and Hari went to the Mines of Moria (I couldn't resist a Tolkien reference).

The place where Poly and his disciple find the guy Hober Mallow brings to mind Star Wars, especially the Forcer ladies who resemble the women from Darth Vader's army. And when Bel Riose goes into the ship as its general, it had some Star Trek feel, it would be nice to watch adventures of a crew of a spaceship again. Though I guess the subplot with Bel's husband felt an unnecessary addition to include some LGBT agenda, which is a sad thing in today's shows and movies, when these things are forced into the story whether they are needed for the plot or not. Bel's partner was his pressure point the Empire could force him into obedience so this could have been a woman as well and not necessarily a male partner.

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I can’t watch anymore. We’ve strayed so far from the first season’s storyline and added in so many more at this point.

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