I’m completely lost. They need to do a better job at coherent story telling

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Imagine a speeding train. Imagine a broken rail a few miles ahead of the train. That's the situation with this show right now.

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I actually like it but I do agree with many that sometimes you get lost. I think they turn away to different stories and characters too fast. That gets be bored sometimes but even first season did that but eventually I was able to enjoy and get into it.

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As long as I'm entertained, I guess it works for me. Yes I could get lost at moments, it's fiction... and that's what fiction is supposed to do, right? Makes you wonder, makes you ask questions, gets you confused and scratching your head.... these are all attributes of a quality production. So I guess it works.

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Characters changed sex with respect to the books, okay, but relationships taken out of the sleeve of these characters as not, it resembles the novels in the name and in the name of the characters, here we get off and do not continue.

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Okay... so, Gaal, Salvor and Seldon (who's trapped in the ship's computer now but can appear as a projection) try to figure out where the timeline went wrong and what impact Gaal's prevention of a second foundation had on it. That plotthread is about 90% technobabble and 10% interesting (but those 10% are definitely worth it, like who's the Mule, - but then, overall I'm a Harris fan, still don't like omnipotent Salvor).
Day prepares for his marriage to Dominion - again, he steals every scene he's in. But Dawn's role will be interesting as he's actually made obsolete when Day and Dominion have children.
And then there's some kind of recruiting going on on Terminus. Apparently Seldon's appearance in season 1's finale spawned some kind of religious cult that's visiting other planets and waits for the return of their messiah... okay... as said before, the plotthread on Terminus is interminably boring.

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Someone needs to tell the actors what they are acting before each takes. That could be like a job.

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The people writing this thing really need to increase their Adderall dosage.

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