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Barry: Season 4

4x07 a nice meal

Another banger.
I was fully prepared for some Evangelion-esque breakdown of Barry's psyche in the interrogation room, but I'm digging how all the storylines are converging into one at record speed. It's nice to see Hank back to his awkward bumbling self while still remaining a terrifying mob boss, and Barry Hulking out in the final shot can only be the bearer of bad news for everybody. Cousineau really got the script flipped on him!

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Everything's converging! Feels like the show's greatest hits (various tones, character beats, and directorial choices it develop over the years) going into the series finale, including another strikingly shot action sequence with deadpan distance and miniature feeling like Season 3's chase.

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“Make that five hundred and one”

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Show is so painfully slow. Hopefully next episode is not slow and wraps things up.

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The balance in tone just continues to be the most impressive thing about Barry and it is what makes this show stand out. This season in particular, while very bold and it's hard for me to say how much I love the direction they took the story, has such a great tonal balance in the dark comedy, and this episode was one of the best examples of this. The show also manages to keep me on my toes and takes things in directions I don't see coming with each episode. Between this and Succession, I'm loving that right now there are two spectacular TV series about to wrap up and I don't know how either one is going to end. At the same time, this episode did feel like it was running in place a bit. It was great to see the various storylines start to connect, but it felt like a lot of set-up for the finale. Necessary set-up, but still set-up. Still can't wait for the finale and hoping it brings a narratively satisfying conclusion to the series.

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Good episode, but the cop's bleeding eye confused me. That was pretty bizarre.

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