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Barry: Season 4

4x06 the wizard

That tension during Sally's scene, top notch season!

To anyone who couldn't remember, the shadow man kept saying things like "Did you poke me in the eye? You fucking bitch! What is it, metal?" in reference to the finale of Season 3. Masterpiece scene in so many levels!

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That silent reveal cut (which then goes on so long!) with Sally is such a legit terrifying horror moment.

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Most effective jumpscare I've seen in a LONG time

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When he woke up in that garage. Been waiting for that scene!

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This episode had my mind ping-ponging between feelings of WHAT THE FUCK and FUCK YEAH.
The Raven-Fuches transformation is the funniest shit Barry's done in a while. The scene with Sally and the hooded guy is the scariest Barry's ever been since the panther mauling in S3. And naming Hank's company Nohobal is probably the most homophobic thing I've seen on TV.

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Bill Hader proving he’s going to be a great horror director. This episode was really funny and really tense at the same time, once again demonstrating an impressive balance in tone. Coulda been a 10/10 but the direction they’ve taken things has been so bold that I’m just not quite sure how I feel about it all yet. Pretty great stuff nonetheless.

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you can consider my pants shatted

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Legitimately turned into a horror movie for a good minute there.

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the sequence with sally and the shadow guy had me shitting my pants. what tf is happening bro

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I came here to find out if the shadow man stuff is real or a drunken nightmare? I'm so confused.

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