Shout by Connor Garvey

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

The production value is incredible. It's fun to watch this show just to see the eye candy. Otherwise, this Star Trek has been a let down.

This is definitely a fantasy show. The understanding of science isn't here. The "what if" scenarios that make scifi such an amazing genre are also mostly absent. Instead Discovery leans toward futuristic action drama and doesn't pull it off very well. Also, it seems like there weren't many script notes from anyone who bothered to watch previous Star Treks. I'm no super fan, but the speed of warp and size of the galaxy are meaningless. Medical, technical, and every other science in Discovery's pre-original-Star-Trek era have inexplicably advanced beyond levels seen in Voyager. There are just too many serious science goofs and eyeroll worthy Trek errors. Please, writers, get assistance.

I'm happy to see this level of investment in the series. I hope we see a return to what we all loved about the it, a bit more attention to science and dreams of what could be.

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