Shout by Nancy L Draper

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

Around the same time that this series debuted, a Star Trek parody THE ORVILLE came out. It had all the humour (via Seth MacFarlane) but none of the gravity. DISCOVERY was the bleak opposite. It had all the gravity but none of the humour. At the time, I preferred THE ORVILLE and, although I felt the series started strong (see my initial review), I gradually lost interest in it. But, recently, I decided to take another swing at DISCOVERY and binged all its 4 seasons to date. Although the show tried to swing a little less dark in its later seasons, this time, I was able to connect with its story arcs, its characters and its quality of production. (I will always be won over by relationships and good working ensembles and I would say these are the strengths of this series). It was an enjoyable 3 and a half day binge. I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. [SciFi Legacy]

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@nancyldraper-gmail-com I concur with you :)
