Review by Deleted

Girls 2012

im torn about this show. im way out of my 20s and so i wonder if this show "really gets" being 20 in the modern era or if its just a way for lena dunham to work out her personal issues/fantasies. i remember doing so many of the stupid things relationship-wise that these girls are doing. i think thats just part of being young and stupid and "in love". not knowing who or what you want in a relationship. being selfish (youre not breaking up with me im breaking up with you). trying to be adult and careful about your next relationship, trying not making the same mistakes and finding incredible new ones to make. the way they are so frivolous with their jobs is just incredible. 0 work ethic. really frustrating. i hope that part is not representative of the reality of 20somethings.

i think my main reason for watching this is just schadenfreude. all the characters are so incredibly broken that i just cant look away. during marnie's karaoke scene at the work party i literally was watching through my fingers like a horror movie. and adam. i really dig him. funnily enough i think hes got his shit together more than any others. i mean hes crazy and broken like all of them but at least he realizes his faults most of the time while everyone else is just so self involved.

i sometimes get the feeling that the scenes are set up just a little skits almost. there is definitely an over-arching plot of each episode but they dont flow all that well. im not sure if its just immature writing or if it meant to be that way; to feel the discord in these peoples lives. its almost as if i can hear the director calling action, see the actors hitting their marks, and then the scene unfolds.

i applaud lena for the amount of time she spends half dressed. its great to see an average body type for a change.

you could probably write an essay on each episode with its faults and highlights, moral and ethical questions it raises, and the dysfunctional relationships amongst the characters. this is either one of the most brilliant shows ever or a pretentious piece of crap. i think its worth a try though for most people.

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