Lazslo is a treasure, but Nadja and Jeff/Gregor were the highlight of the episode. I hope the character is a recurring role for Jake McDorman. It would be cool seeing him again, perhaps being transported to a psychiatric hospital because he's going insane from knowing all his past lives.

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Easily the best episode so far. Nandor's second attempt to rescue Laszlo was hilarious! Jake McDorman absolutely killed it, hope we see him again.

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The rescue attempt was just hillarious (plus Laszlo talking to the cats) but Nadja and Jeff/Gregor stole the entire episode tho

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Did they predict COVID? Lol :rofl:

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The character combos are perfect. Big fan of the film and they've managed to maintain the same type of humour I adored in it.

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Great episode - poor Gregor wasn’t counting on that when he started work that evening.
Talk about headf:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:k for the poor guy.

I’d like to see Matt Berry freed up a bit more - he does overblown characters fantastically but he seems restrained in this series so far.

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