God damn, these K Dramas hit hard eh. I can't think of a single western tv show that does what these shows consistently do.

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The intense stages of grief carry a weight so heavy within the word 'grief.' I immensely appreciated how this episode depicted such profound intensity. It was so good to finally see this addressed because it's something so interesting to give up, watch, and comprehend. After all, it's one of the main subjects of the drama. I liked how this episode developed it so well. I found it so intriguing how it built up a great intensity behind the episode, something I really wanted to watch and see in this drama. I cried a lot, and I am greatly impressed by how this story contains such profound intensity.

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This is one of the best episodes I've ever watched, impossible to feel nothing, after several consecutive hammers in the heart. It's very good, as things are being revealed and completed at the same time, a solid construction. It's a striking and reflective drama.

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