Wasn’t expecting Christina Ricci’s character to be evil. That was a good plot twist with a well-done reveal in my opinion. Christina is good at playing a villain.

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I also loved the hug between Enid and Wednesday at the end. Their friendship was one of my favorite parts of the series.

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The mystery into the seasons bad guy was decent. It was never clear who was going to be exposed and right when I thought I knew who, they had very good diversions but it was always the same 4 people since the beginning.

I’m kind of sad to see Weems gone. I love Gwendoline Christie but this is a supernatural show they can find a way for her to reappear I almost thought she was going to show up when Enid and Wednesday were in her office. Speaking of Enid she totally kicked ass and i love to see it.

I expect to see Ricci back as an escaped prisoner to find another way to take down Wednesday and the outcast.

And most interesting what is the deal with Bianca and her mother? Need an answer in S2 or as Netflix will probably do, part 2.

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I actually rlly enjoyed this show and I love Jenna Ortega

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Personally I think they needed to push the confrontation with Crackstone to next season and elaborate on it. Feels like all that build up was wasted. Also, what's up with magic staff? I thought Crackstone is all about normal natural burning of the witches, yet he uses witchcraft.
Speaking of wasted potential, confrontation with Thornhill was great with Weems and Wednesday finally working together, only for it to be wasted with a stupid death, so what was the point other than to kill off Weems? She and her dynamic with Wednesday was one of the best aspects of a show, and it seems like her death was just glossed over

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Not gonna lie, I cried with that hug

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The finale wasn't great and had a lot of developments that feel more needed by plot instead of actually earned, including a full on Deus Ex Machina not dying anymore fake out. I guess they wrote themselves into a corner or two.

Still way better than Sabrina ever was.

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I thought the season long arc about the monster was the least interesting part of the show.

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Everybody got a lick in. That was my favorite part. Arrow, sword, bees. Damn

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I thought it was insanely obvious from very early on that Kinbott was the supposedly 'dead' sister who drowned. I didn't expect Tyler to be the monster though.

I actually thought this was probably the worst episode of the season - it was a lot of action, and I thought the action in this show was mostly poor and kinda boring.

Jenny Ortega shines as Wednesday, and scenes of her interacting with others and just being herself are the best parts of the show.

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Ok, that hug moment was pretty frickin’ fantastic. None of us want Wednesday to lose her signature indifference, but it was pretty powerful to see her care for her friend in the way her friend wanted/needed to be cared for. Loved it.

I kept thinking how Gwendoline Christie was such a great presence on this show, so it was a major bummer to see Weems meet her end, ESPECIALLY in such an anticlimactic way.

I really felt like the Crackstone scenario happened way too fast. I feel like he could’ve been a long-game big bad, looming over the school in an epic seasonal arc. Like more of a war than a single battle. Dude was pretty creepy.

All in all, Wednesday is a fun show with a solid cast of characters you care about. With tons of potential. And Ortega killed it.

Hopefully next season will be a lot less predictable (tho that shapeshifting scene totally got me!)

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ENID LET'S F GOOO! Her pink hair on her werewolf form was so F cute hahaha. And EUGENE MY BOY!!! The two real MVPs tonight. This was really enjoyable! Also Rest In Peace Gwendoline, such a great actress, was great to see her here!

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Thoroughly enjoyed every episode.Great to watch with my daughter,and can't wait for another season.

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There can't be two wednesdays..

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not sure how to feel about this but it was a very bad end imo cause it just made random surprises which had no basis it was just bad

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i'm all in for season 2!

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Nice wrap-up, although it has the same problem that so many series have of dispatching the Big Bad too easily. I would’ve liked a nice little Easter egg of the school doing the Vic Mizzy theme and opening.

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They ended this on a high note. Incredibly stirring music and some shocking revelations as well as some satisfying conclusions to various plotlines.

Does this make Wednesday smile? Depends on if smiling requires using both sides of the mouth. But it might put a smile on your face.

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Wednesday the character was shallow and too nice compared to the original Adams family. I was expecting a little more depth, wickedness, with a touch of sinister for a Adams show. Good season but I will not be waiting for season two in anticipation.

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I watched the final episode on.. wednesday. It felt good! done deal!

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Tim Burton's got some spooky talent... I've enjoyed this tale as much as I've enjoyed all his past creations.

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"It's crazy to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results."
This is probably the best commentary on the way Wednesday "fought".

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Shout by MSochist

Am I crazy? Did I watch something different than anyone else?

I thought this show was great right up until this episode. Everything was so rushed. Weems cleverly eavesdrops on evil lady's monologue...then immediately dies right after. Enid finally goes wolf and curbstomps evil guy in seconds (I actually didn't mind this, just wanted a longer fight maybe? And maybe using the fight to add to the father/son storyline?) . Dollar Store Voldemort that's been hyped up the whole season gets resurrected...just to do absolutely nothing to no one. He doesn't even get to kill any outcasts, just shows up to the school, lights it on fire and dies very quickly. I actually looked to see how much episode was left when he died and was surprised I was at the end. People kept teleporting between locations whenever the plot demanded they be somewhere.

This needed to be either a longer episode or a two-parter. Overall though, I definitely love the show. I hope the writing for the main storyline in Season 2 will be better.

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This show was such a pleasant suprise, just awesomely entertaining and intriguing. Glad I was able to give it a watch. Although I think a second season would be fun I really do not think we need it...

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Best episode of them 8.

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The finale was quite an emotional episode, though I still think kids shouldn't watch it as it was quite dark and at times disturbing. At the beginning the ep seemed to be dragging a bit, but the later part was quite engrossing. My favourite scene was the reunion of Wednesday and Enid at the end, it was even moving to see the girls hug as Wednesday finally overcome her aversion to showing friendship and affection she feels to other people.

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Good! Some parts were like nickelodeon’s monster high and others almost gave a harry potter vibe, maybe a bigger budget next season can help.
I loved Enid wolfing out to save her friend.
The only part I disliked was so many deaths, I feel like those characters had so much development left that I wanted to see next season, specially Gwendoline :/ we didn’t see a body tho so I’m hopeful for next season.

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I liked it, more the episodes directed by Tim Burton.
Let's see, you are "normal" and you want the "not normal" people to die and for that, you are resurrected by magic and you use a magic staff to set fire to the school, all very normal and coherent.

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The other episodes were not that good, but this one is just pure garbage

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I really enjoyed this season. I'm sad to see Weems go. Really hoped she's be resurrected somehow. The overall stand-off was mediocre. I'm glad Bianca got to save Wednesday... I really hope we see more Bianca next season. She is much more than just the It-girl.
The conclusion was a bit predictable but I still enjoyed it.

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