Enjoyable first episode. Everything seems to be well done.

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I have no idea what is happening. I enjoyed the first episode but I don't think it was anything special. a little more interesting near the end but probably a 6.5 from me

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I don’t understand why she didn’t take over the machine gun and shoot the plane.

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Pretty boring. Even the action is dull.

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A ton of world building in this and I'm very interested to see more.

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Couldn't stand it. Probably I'll try to watch a couple more episodes, but that's it. I don't like the writing, the message is too tame and diluted for me. Not even in the same galaxy than Alan Moore's graphic novel. It doesn't have nothing to do with Watchmen, it's something else's agenda with the Watchmen name attached.

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I was very excited for this, now I'm not. This needs to get better. Soon.

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Wow. Never would have thought HBO would put out agenda based pandering garbage. They just took the title and some visuals from one thing and applied it to something completely different to lure suckers like me in. And taking one of the truest heroes in comic history in Rorshark and equating him to white supremacy for pure shock value is insanely disappointing. I'm really tempted to cancel HBO altogether. I always give new shows 3 episodes. Something miraculous needs to happen in the next 2 to prove my initial reactions wrong.

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Wasn't a big fan of the unmotivated editing during some of the fight scenes, but that doesn't take away from a very strong pilot. The world building, the re-introduction, the updating to a universe finally back in the limelight is very exciting. Watchmen is one of my favorite pieces of literature and Lindelof is one of my favorite showrunners. This feels tailor-made for me and I could not be more excited about it.

This is a significant improvement over the dumpster fire that is the Snyder adaptation.

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Well I do enjoy just being thrown into a parallel universe without explanation and having to put the pieces together.
Interesting start. Wonder how the little boy from then connects to the now somewhat less alive father. Some wrongs in the past probably. Surprising though to see it was that man. Although they had sat it up for when he was in front of the store.

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I have no idea what's going on, but I like it. At the same time, it's a little annoying not knowing what's going on with something you're watching, especially when you're enjoying watching it at the same time. Best case scenario, I'll be loosely following along with what's going on while enjoying watching it immensely, like usual with most shows I'm watching, have watched, and will watch.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2019-10-21T22:21:55Z— updated 2020-01-11T18:48:45Z

comment to be deleted .5 words needed.

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Definitely one of the best pilots I have ever seen.

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Lots of world building and a ton of just plain weirdness. Many shows attempt this, but it ends up feeling like a pointless gimmick (::cough:: Lost ::cough::). This though is feeling like it's got a definite purpose and is headed somewhere. Intrigued to learn more and really hope it will deliver.

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This episode was nonsensical.
At first I thought they were trying to do opposite world where the white guy listening to rap music gets pulled over by the black cop and the black couple adopting 3 white kids... but it couldn't be opposite race world because all the leadership in the police force were white.

Apparently some 50 year old woman has the strength & skill to beat the crap out of every grown man she comes across... maybe she has some yet to be revealed superpowers but if not I call bullshit.

WAY too much singing. I avoid musicals at all costs and this episode was like 40% musical.

The sex scene was gross. She's like 50 and I'm supposed to believe an attractive guy in his early 30s would go anywhere near that?

So far it seems like the show is built in Angela Abar's dream world.

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I was not prepared for this show to likely become the thing I'm most psyched about in this surrounding two years; and yet here I am, witnessing all signs pointing to the rest of the season living up to that honor.

This was soo much better than the poor trailer for it originally had me expecting. Yes, I later learned more information — that Damon Lindelof, of LOST and The Leftovers, was behind it — eventually getting me more interested; but I certainly wasn't confident, given the trailer.

This has me remembering how good the movie actually was... I kind of lost track of my memories of how intense it was and how involved it's last act was...

Anywho, on to the real reason I had to post something.. Timepoint 59 mins and 59 seconds in the episode is what finally gave me what I was truly waiting to validate: that there was no way that the soundtrack could be so NIN without actually being NIN / Trent Reznor / Atticus Ross.

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Excellent acting all around, and I’m enjoying the slow buildup. I’m curious to see how all the threads tie together, and am patient enough to wait several episodes to make all the connections. It almost feels the same as when your body knows a storm is coming…

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Oh man, the old, boring, racism stuff. I'll guess this is not gonna be one of my favorite shows.

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Really good episode. I am excited to see more. Its an interesting take on racism. Music is really good too.

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Good first episode.
Be interesting to see where this show goes.

I think the white vs black aspect of the show. Is going to inflame an already tense situation in the world. While its these kinds of themes that make a show good, it also serves to stir up peoples anger.
I think the show has a LOT of potential.
The world building and tech is what interests me. The obvious political bias of the writers just pissed me off.

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I’m a little confused that Rorschach has been taken and used as white supremacy symbol.

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When I heard about this show coming out I was very excited as I am a big fan of Watchmen. Unfortunately I was very disappointed, the first episode didn't have anything interesting, the protagonists were almost as unlikable as the white supremacists they were trying to stop. From watching I assumed the the police going around covering their faces, and the main protagonist capturing and torturing people without evidence, would be made out to be just as bad as the people they fight, but this was never brought up in the first episode, an episode that's supposed to draw in viewers and lay out the story for the season.

Hopefully they address these issues later in the season, showing these main characters as the immoral authoritarians they are, and introducing a new group to deal with the criminals and the corrupt police force, but is it too late now that people have seen the first episode and tuned out? Maybe.

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Currently living in Yuma, the lettuce capital of the world. So got a bit of a giggle near the beginning.

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It's a new series for me, did not quite understand what is happening. Feels weird, man.

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Shout by Deleted

Very heavy-handed, but at least it actually offers some counter-balance to the white-supremacy group by making the "good guys" into authoritarian fascists who are more like the white-supremacy group's hero than they'd like to think. Certainly the fact that one of their big conspiracy - that the US, or rather Veidt, has faked the squid attack - is actually of valid merit, thanks to Rorschach's journal. Intrigued, which is as much as you can hope for from a pilot I guess, but I'm also cautious and yet to fully hop on board.

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Most of the points here go to the designers - absolutely wonderful costuming, sets, blocking: it feels like a unique universe with its own aesthetic that still pays homage to the comics. Otherwise, kind of what I expected for the pilot.

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OMFG. Black Wallstreet our the gate?!?!

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Enjoyed it even though the leftist bullshit agenda does my head in,all whites are evil and all that bullshit!

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They just had to ruin a perfect opportunity for amazing series with the goid 'ol "white ppl are all racist" SHANE SHAME SHAME

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They just had to turn it into an SJW bullshit

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What is this garbage? Why is the show opening with democrats killing black poeple? I thought this comic took place in NYC in the 50s.

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This was just intriguing enough to make me want to give it another episode or two, but I personally missed the characters from the graphic novel. Then again, I don't need something derived entirely from the original source, either. Points for Tim Blake Nelson and Don Johnson.

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Awesome first Episode and superbly done Score.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm kinda bored actually.

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Hmm... so far I like the movie better.

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