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Watchmen 2019

A W E S O M E!

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Holy shit! what an ending to an excellent season 1.

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What the fudge is this show, the first and second episode made no bloody sense at all, episode 3 will definitely determine if I continue watching this. Right now it's missing a lot of elements that make a good show. Not impressed

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This is one of my most anticipated series for this year.

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garbage don't waste your time

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Loved every second of it.

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Well .. I will stop watching it after 4 episodes
Really? It is very boring show .. I cant imagine this show is producted by HBO .. Garbage

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Watched the first episode of this show, and it was very difficult to follow, very scattered and almost made no sense most of the time. Really weird cross between a spaghetti western, black / white warring set in our time. Too weird for me.

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Slept many times while watching it..

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It is a really WEIRD show. Wouldn't watch it again.

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While taking a break from the emotional turmoil of real-world racial injustice, I finally sat down to binge this. The most timely story we've had in quite awhile, damn. Regina King is superb! Certainly deviates from Alan Moore's source material, and the mess that was the feature film. But the original production that is left is refreshing, historical, prescient, self-aware, and quite necessary. I enjoyed the drama and was grateful for the message. Can't believe it won't be renewed, HBO fucked up on that.

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I wanted to finish the season before rating it. I honestly thought the SJW agenda in it was a satire. After watching the whole season, it is not. They are seriously producing this. It has absolutely nothing to do with Watchmen and if you liked the movie or the comic, I'd recommend to not waste time on this garbage.

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First 5 episodes were tedious to get through, but after that the shows began to be a lot more interesting. I hate very slow beginnings.
Overall rating: not bad 7/10

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It gets better and better.. Just wow.. Amazing and mesmerizing. Regina has done a great job. Let's see how the last 2 episodes handle the load.. I'm loving it so far.

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What a pill of shit this was. Why they call it watchmen ? Why they give license to all the fucking incapable of hollywood

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Overrated and hyped
Don't waste your time.
Movie was much better.

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FUCK Alan Moore and all the other pretentious assholes shitting on this legend. Worth every second and then some.

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Exceptional in every way; thematically rich, aesthetically breathtaking, and emotionally devastating

Watchmen is an exceptionally good show. By default, of course, there will be fans of the comic who'll dislike it on principle. There will also be those who accuse it of pandering to a liberal PC agenda (look at the negative (and frankly, hilarious) review bombing on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes), and there'll be those who simply don't like the idea of a Watchman TV show with a black woman at its centre. Make no mistake, however, this show has been put together by people who know, appreciate, love, and understand the comic. Thematically complex, aesthetically breathtaking, brilliantly acted, Watchmen is an exceptional piece of television.

For my complete review, please visit:

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A politically charged superhero show that is brave and has something to say.

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Idk. Superhero stuff generally just loses my interest after a few episodes. Very few exceptions.

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I only actually enjoyed 3 of the 9 episodes of this show. The rest, despite having maybe a couple of good moments, were mainly snoozefests in my opinion. I really didn't care for a lot of the characters or for most of the plotlines. Jeremy Irons and his scenes definitely stole the show (for me at least). All that being said, the final two episodes were utterly fantastic, and I was glad to have suffered through everything else just to get to those episodes. Lastly, I'd like to add that my opinions here are from someone who has never had any experience with any other Watchmen content in any form.

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Okay, i have watched this show. Now I understand why this show is canceled. I have expected something else, but not this. I haven’t see this this high level of shit coming.

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It's not bad; but it's really style over substance. The original comic is great but there's little to no reason for police officers to come up with characters like this. How do they go to work - do they all have fake bakeries?

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wtf, she doesn't make a scrambled egg and give it to her kids hahahaha what an idiot.

writers really needs to cut like 60% of their dialog.

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Loved this take on Watchmen. I thought it was such a fitting both homage and sequel to the original story. It was told in such an engaging and interesting way. I absolutely loved that Veidt gets arrested for killing all those people 20 years ago, and that Dr Manhattan's power, if it gets transferred at all, is going to a black woman. Such lovely poetic justice.

My only niggle is the character of Dr Manhattan - such an overpowered character cripples the logic of your story and creates a lot of circular loops that I find to be narratively unsatisfying.

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What an amazing show! Inventive, brave, incredibly cinematic, full of surprises, perfectly enjoyable for people who don't know Watchmen but so much deeper for the fans, great acting, great direction, smart writing that has faith in the intelligence of the viewers... simply great. Also, episode 8 is unbelievably good.

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How the heck is no one talking about the great dark soundtracks of this show. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross at their best! Had to stop watching multiple times and listen to the track on youtube in loop.

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It is confusing, excellently WTFing and I love it!

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As someone who knows literally nothing about Watchmen (minus seeing the movie all those years ago), I found my self saying "Uh wtf just happened?" about 20 times. I really hope this show explains all the randomness soon. ...Why was it raining squid?

Overall, it was very entertaining, though.

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Shout by Deleted

That one episode is enough for me to drop it, normally I give even the worst shows 2-3 episodes. Too many other, good, entertaining stuff to watch.

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I was very enthused about this once I heard it was Lindlehoff at the helm. The Leftovers is one of my all time favorites, and this series promises to be a deep dive thematically with him at the helm. The series opener is as smart and interesting as I expected, but I was happy to see that it delivers on the action elements, as well. Very solid beginning - I'm psyched to see where it goes.

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I was not prepared for this show to likely become the thing I'm most psyched about in this surrounding two years; and yet here I am, witnessing all signs pointing to the rest of the season living up to that honor.

This was soo much better than the poor trailer for it originally had me expecting. Yes, I later learned more information — that Damon Lindelof, of LOST and The Leftovers, was behind it — eventually getting me more interested; but I certainly wasn't confident, given the trailer.

This has me remembering how good the movie actually was... I kind of lost track of my memories of how intense it was and how involved it's last act was...

Anywho, on to the real reason I had to post something.. Timepoint 59 mins and 59 seconds in the episode is what finally gave me what I was truly waiting to validate: that there was no way that the soundtrack could be so NIN without actually being NIN / Trent Reznor / Atticus Ross.


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I think this will be tough to get into for those who haven't seen the movie or read the series. I did both, but I still had to read through some recaps after each episode to make sure I knew what was going on. Basically, it just won't hand you much in the way of exposition.
If you can invest the brain effort to keep track of the story though, I think it's worth it. In terms of superhero shows, it's much more similar to The Boys than any of the Marvel/DC stuff out right now: it's more mystery/suspense over the long term than episodic action.
Regina King is fantastic.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2020-10-04T19:51:32Z— updated 2022-06-05T19:55:22Z


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A woke rape of the Watchmen universe

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Stellar writing, stellar cast and a stellar remix/adaptation! This is amongst the best new shows of 2019.

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  • Story 3/5
  • Characters 3/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5
  • Artistry 3/5
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Wounds need air.

Fantastic show

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Surprised, very surprised. Right away watching this 5 years in the future, I know it's only 1 season and assume the ending will suck. A cliffhanger probably, leaving me wanting more and wrapping up almost nothing. I still however took the leap and watched it.

Boy was I mistaken. I don't know if they knew beforehand that the show was going to be a one and done season. If not? Masterful writing either way. It ends beautifully, an amazing wrap up that many shows absolutely fail at accomplishing.

Genuinely happy I watched this.

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When the producer of this show tried to contact Alan Moore about this show, he was in no uncertain terms, told to f off and no one from HBO should ever attempt to contact Moore ever again because of how utterly disrespectful and destructive they had been of Moore's masterpiece. There are plenty of garbage shows out there. This one is nuclear waste.

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This series is utterly confusing. Perhaps because I haven't seen/read anything from this before. :person_shrugging: At least it's short. (and I simulwatched it with a group of friends which is always better!)

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Very good show, hooked from the first episode. It made me go back and re-watch the movie.

Probably not worth re-watching ever.

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Watchmen is entertaining all the way through. It makes you think about the present and history of the US at times. It has its flaws, but it works very well as an intriguing miniseries and has a perfect ending.

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Some major plot twists here which I didn't see coming, great acting & directing

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canceled seriously.. what the hell is wrong with you people.

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so it ended only after one season?

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This could be a good show if you could see what's going on, turn on a few more lights!

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Mixed feelings on the first episode. It's not bad. Hope it goes somewhere cool, but kind of weirdly pessimistic.

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