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Warrior Nun: Season 2

2x06 Isaiah 40:31

Noooooo. Not Mother Superior. I'm devastated.

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OMG Ava comes up short again. What type of idiotic Warrior Nun is this?

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Shout by Ki

  • As soon as we got the backstory for Mother Superion, I think we all kinda knew... It's just SUCH a shame because she really was such a great character, there wasn't really a need for her to die other than... To fuel the plot and make the OCS side even more compelled to defeat Adriel?
  • Also how did Ava and Michael not see Beatrice snooping in on that convo at the beginning?
  • Did anyone expect the plan to go off well? We're only on ep 6 of 8, there was bound to be something happening, some sort of wall they'd have to face before the finale.
  • I'd read that Shotgun Mary couldn't be in this season bc the actress had some personal things going on, Sister Dora definitely feels like a step-in for what we could've had.
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Oh dear, that was a frustrating one to watch... :o Nice/badass backstory on Mother Superion at the beginning though. But the ending really sucked (also that Mother Superion died without completing her final mission - but I guess the arc might be useful for them as well). Their plan wasn't perfect to begin with but Lilith, Vincent, and that church guy successfully interfering / messing things up was definitely frustrating. At least they mostly got through it alive. Quite lucky that that sister showed up at the end. Maybe they'll have a chance with her.

Their plan was doomed from the beginning though as episode 6/8 was too early for such a success.

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The best thing? Couple of seconds of LALISA!!!

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Well, that was a mess.

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Well this was a no nun-sense (pun intended) episode.
Good to finally get insight from mother superior.
But now...what now....she was bad ass

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