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UnREAL: Season 3

3x01 Oath

I can’t imagine that anyone hoped that Jeremy would return, but of course he’s back.

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I hope the writers finally focus on Quinn and Rachel and their fucked up relationship this season. But from the trailer it looks like it’s all about men and too many other characters again. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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It saddens me immensely how Rachel always stars out the seasons trying to be the best version of her self only to end up being a wretched, manipulative bitch. I really hope that doesn't happen again.

I like the suitress, she's cool. And a bunch of the dudes seem like interesting options.

The one I'm not sure how to feel about is Jeremy. He's just crazy, blindly in love with Rachel, and honestly I feel so bad for him. He needs to realize that they're just toxic for each other.

Maddison is gross. Seriously. Sleeping her way to the top. A shame for women everywhere.

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Oh how I missed them, still fucked up and vulnerable

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Five minutes in and the newest guy is intrigued by Rachel as has been the pattern each season. C'mon...

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I love the show yet I wish Rachel would just leave everything behind as she was doing. So conflicting. Great season premiere nonetheless.

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I really missed this fucked up horrible human beings, I just want to forget half of season 2 ever happen and focus on how badly I want to be BFFs with Rachel and Quinn.

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