C'mon, how can anyone not love this?! The second season will get weirder but this first one is as perfect as it gets. The lack of resolution must have been frustrating back in 1990 but luckily, we don't have to wait to binge watch s02.

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Woah, that ending was something special... Thrilling!
I hope Agent Cooper did not die, though! Fingers crossed!

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I'm surprised this first season was that... normal? It's quirky and fun, but not off the rails like I've always heard this show is. But then again, the second season is apparently where it amps up and gets overboard surreal. I can't wait! This season felt more like a character study from all angles than a murder mystery though. It was pretty obvious who the bad guys were from the start, but we'll see... Great cliffhanger anyway, just about everyone is in danger/hurt or about to be in a sticky situation. Interesting to see how it all ends up.

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This show is just absolutely fascinating. Need it injected into my veinnnns

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